cis3296f24 / Section3ProjectPresentation

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To-Do List #7

Open yuseftohamy opened 1 month ago

yuseftohamy commented 1 month ago

iOS To-Do List / Reminders Application Project Overview Screenshot 2024-10-09 191730

What the project is about: This project is an iOS-exclusive to-do list/reminders app aimed at improving task management. It allows users to create tasks, set deadlines, and receive custom reminders via push notifications. Synchronization of tasks will be handled through iCloud, allowing seamless cross-device usage within the Apple ecosystem.

Main Goal: To provide a minimal, intuitive app for users to easily manage tasks, with a focus on iOS-native features such as iCloud synchronization and custom reminders.

Project Details

Programming Language: Swift Framework: SwiftUI (for the user interface) Architecture: iOS client architecture, leveraging iCloud for backend task synchronization.

Team Contribution:

Teammate A: Can focus on notifications and reminders, implementing the iOS native notification system and setting custom reminders based on task deadlines. Teammate B: Can work on UI/UX improvements, making the app visually appealing and enhancing usability, possibly adding features like dark mode or task filters. Teammate C: Can handle testing and debugging, ensuring the app functions smoothly across different iOS devices and versions, with a focus on edge cases like offline functionality and synchronization bugs. Together, the team will ensure the app is polished, user-friendly, and takes full advantage of iOS-specific features.

Competencies Needed from the Team

iOS development with Swift and SwiftUI. Experience with iCloud for cloud-based storage and synchronization. Familiarity with iOS notifications or a desire to work on the notification system. UI/UX design skills for optimizing the user interface. Testing and debugging skills for ensuring robust performance across different scenarios.

Proof of Concept