cis3296f24 / Section4-ProjectPresentation

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Fitness Application program #9

Open rosegly opened 2 days ago

rosegly commented 2 days ago

Author: Liye Guo Project Abstract This project involves creating a fitness application that will incorporate training and dieting programs retrieved from the web and compiled in a document containing fields that should be filled in with the user's height and weight. The application will allow users to set fitness goals and create individual plans adapted to their body type. That way, the Java application will offer different training routines and meal plans so people can have an easy time. Conceptual Design The application will be implemented with Java, and the user will enter their height and weight selection on the Windows GUI. Depending on these inputs, the system will determine the user's BMI and fitness goals, such as weight loss, muscle build, or generic fitness. This will then be matched with a corresponding training plan (e.g., cardio, strength training) and dietary plan (e.g., calorie deficit, balanced diet) for the user's category. The architecture will comprise a backend logic system that takes users ' inputs and generates results by accessing training and meal databases to generate the results Proof of Concept The proof of concept includes a repository of the Java-based input system for height and weight. It gives a solid indication of how users will be classified under different fitness goals. The demo will also include simple training involving a training plan created by the program from the user input data. Background Numerous fitness applications exist; however, the majority of them lack customized programs to suit the individual user based on his/her body characteristics. This project seeks to fill that gap by providing fitness goals for heights and weights (Kandhro et al., 2022). Similar apps exist, but this project's simple interface will allow users to get the training and dietary advice they need without knowing much about fitness. Reference Kandhro, I. A., Ali, F., Khan, A., Zulqarnain, P., Iqbal, B., Habiba, U., & Rayyan, A. (2022). Muscle Town the Health Fitness Prevention of Disease: Using a Mobile App to Improve Fitness and Health. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 34(30B), 42-54 ppt Fitness.pptx