cis3296f24 / applebaum-final-project-section-005-applebaum

cis3296f24-classroom-applebaum-final-project-project-proposal-template created by GitHub Classroom
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World Building and Interactive Map Web App #3

Open glantig1 opened 1 month ago

glantig1 commented 1 month ago


Project Abstract

The product is a web app where users can create accounts and share fantasy world building projects. The core “feature” that is supposed to elevate this beyond a simple website that can be done in word-press would be the research and implementation of an interactive map that could be created, edited, and shared through this web app.

High Level Requirements

The user would access a website that would allow them to access other blogs while being able to create and edit their own SVG, interactable image. The information for the blog and, in theory, the SVG image would be stored in a database which the web app itself would access through API calls to an external server.

Conceptual Design

The web app would function similarly to a forum that displays a series of other blogs for user created fantasy worldbuilding projects. Individual users could start a variety of their own “blogs” with a suite of features, the core of which would be an interactive map. The interactive map would allow the uploading of an image that could have interactive elements added to it. The web app would host a variety of social features that would include the sharing of user blogs and maps. The web app would also save progress and allow for continuous editing of the interactive map. The editing and creation of the maps would be through SVG. Of note, my knowledge on SVG is extremely surface level (I looked it up in a day for this proposal). Though the core "feature", research and feasibility will be the early and primary focus before we can consider its integration to a wider web app.

Proofs of Concept (Web App Example Repo) (SVG Interactable Example Repo) (SVG Interactable Example Demo)


This proposal’s proof of concept was my final submission for CIS 3308 and its code is mostly refactored example code from Sally Kyvernitis’ website and lectures. This proposal is not born necessarily from interest, but since this has such an extensive base of example code this is something I could see done by a group of 5 unless its expansion with the interactive map portion makes it infeasible in the time frame given.

Required Resources


tus40499 commented 4 weeks ago

Hey Gabriel, I really like this idea. I use play DnD with my friends so I can easily see myself using something like this. At the moment I just use Obsidian to keep track of my world, but map support can be a little iffy and jank in general. So I think working on a service like this would be fun and useful.

I don't have much experience in Web Dev, but I'm passionate about fantasy in general so I feel like I could bring some ideas to the table. I do like the social aspect as well, a system to share maps for other people to use in their worlds or games would be cool. A system for keeping track of lore would be nice as well. It seems like this could be a very broad project in scope, but I seems like the primary focus is the map portion which is good. I think this is an interesting project with a lot of potential.