cis3296s23 / applebaum-software-design-section-704-projects-spring-23

Project Proposals for Prof. Applebaum Section 704
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Project 16x16 #3

Open tuk85473 opened 1 year ago

tuk85473 commented 1 year ago
# Project 16x16


Section 704, Java, Processing, Platformer

Project Abstract / High Level Requirement

This document proposes a 2D platformer pixel art game that allows users to solve puzzles. From the user’s point of view, they will take control of the player character. The user will be able to move the character left, right, up, down and interact with certain objects in order to look for clues to solve various puzzles, fight bosses and find exits. There is both a single-player and multiplayer option from the main menu. For the multiplayer version, the user can either host or join a game.

Conceptual Design

This project is written in Java with Maven and incorporates Processing. It uses JDK 11 and runs on Ubuntu. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are involved in this project for the purpose of the art / visual designing. All existing code for the project can be found on GitHub. The project starts off with a main menu with four options: Start Game, Multiplayer, Settings, and Quit Game. ‘Start Game’ initiates a single-player plot-based platformer game. Clicking ‘Multiplayer’ allows the user to either host a game or connect to a game hosted by another user. In multiplayer, the game is essentially the same as in single-player; however, each user will be able to control a playable character. The ‘Settings’ button allows the user to configure the controls, audio, volume, and graphics, including resolution, aspect ratio, and display mode. The ‘Quit Game’ button will close the program.


There are of course many other platform games that are already in the works or already published, but every game has elements that make it unique. The backstory of this game is that people were under the reign of “The Devil.” After many centuries, the people manage to defeat the Devil; however, they had to face the consequence of the rebirth of the world. Overtime, more and more pieces of history were forgotten, and eventually, there came a dark era of war. This era is the setting of the game. This plot advances throughout the game, making it a unique experience for the user. The mechanics of the game are similar to many other existing games. The user is able to make the player character walk, run, jump, dash and crouch. Walking allows the player character to move at a set constant speed. Running allows the player character to move at a set constant speed that is greater than the walking speed. Jumping allows the player character to move upward, including the direction of the movement at the time the jump is initiated. Dashing allows the player character to accelerate forward towards the direction of the movement at the time the dash is initiated; dashing is the fastest form of movement for the player character. Crouching decreases the player character’s height, allowing the player to go under obstacles. All of these movements can be seen in many other games. Although, the dashing in this game differs from many other games that involve dashing. Typically, there is only one type of dash, but in this game, the player character will be able to access different costumes which allow for different types of dashes, which have other purposes besides movement.

Required Resources

In order to develop this project, developers should have an interest in Java and Processing. Developers should have experience with or be willing to learn how to work on open-source projects. JDK 11 should be installed. Developers should be able to use git, GitHub Desktop, or Source tree. Each developer should have either a GitHub account or a Bitbucket Cloud account. The IDEs that have been used thus far to develop this project are Eclipse and IntelliJ.

Proof of concept



PatrickBrady7 commented 1 year ago

I think this is a cool idea and platformer games can be fun and simple. Being able to contribute to a game seems like a fun idea, also platformers allow people to make stages/puzzles which brings out a creative side to the game. Also multiplayer introduces some fun while allowing for more complex puzzles to be done due to more people. The project seems like it could be a fun time, which would encourage people to work more.

gevdram commented 1 year ago

I am a huge fan of puzzle games. This one sounds like it would be a lot of fun to work on. I have never programmed a full game outside of a console/terminal game so it would be interesting to participate in one.

Andy-Olshanky commented 1 year ago

I love puzzle games and I think this looks really fun. It would be very enjoyable to create challenging puzzles in the game and then it would also feel wonderful to have those ideas come to life. Plus, it might be cool to create a sandbox mode where the player would be able to create their own puzzles through a building feature.

douedra1 commented 1 year ago

I love this project. I like the idea of using different programming language including Java, CSS HTML and JavaScript. The interface of the program is also very nice. I have never worked won a game program before and i think this will give me a good knowledge of game programming. As contribution, I can bring my programming and cloud skills.

jutobash commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a super fun assignment to learn how to complete. I'm a big fan of puzzle type games and would love to learn how to develop one. According to the proposal document, this assignment seems very doable as the proof of concept github seems very fleshed out/details.

Additionally I have been wanting to become more familiar with game development and would love to learn by contributing to this project. In terms of contributions I have decent experience from multiple courses for working in java and am willing to learn the necessary skills.