cisagov / Malcolm

Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files), Zeek logs and Suricata alerts.
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Add PCAP-over-IP support #278

Closed erik4711 closed 1 year ago

erik4711 commented 1 year ago

💡 Summary

Add support for PCAP-over-IP (aka PcapOverTcp) to allow Malcolm to read a continuous PCAP stream of network traffic from a remote machine. This feature also enables reading decrypted TLS traffic from a TLS inspection proxy.

Motivation and context

Individual tools that handle PCAP files or network traffic have support for reading PCAP-over-IP. There is for example a Zeek plugin Zeek::PcapOverTcp, which can read PCAP data from a remote sniffer or a TLS decryption proxy. However, it would be helpful if Malcolm would support reading PCAP-over-IP centrally, and then provide that PCAP data to installed tools like Suricata and Zeek.

There is support for pcapReadMethod=pcap-over-ip-client and pcapReadMethod=pcap-over-ip-server in Arkime, which might be of help here.

There are a few less desirable workarounds for reading remote PCAP data into Malcolm, such as using sftp to copy pcap data into Malcolm.

Implementation notes

A desired implementation would be a service that either listens on a TCP port for incoming PCAP-over-IP connections, or a client that actively connects to an IP:PORT to read PCAP-over-IP data. The received pcap/libpcap data should be expected to be compliant with the PCAP file format , not PcapNG.

Acceptance criteria

A simple test case would be to make a PCAP file available to Malcolm via a local netcat listener like this: nc -l 57012 < sniffed.pcap

If Malcolm can read and import the packets in sniffed.pcap via the netcat listener, then we've succeeded.

A more advanced test would be to have Malcolm read decrypted TLS traffic from PolarProxy, which is started with --pcapoverip 57012 or --pcapoveripconnect <Malcolm-IP>:57012.

mmguero commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the enhancement request. Moving over to idaholab/Malcolm#255 which is the fork where the project management stuff is kept.

Closed, duplicate of idaholab/Malcolm#255