Admiral struggles with domains that have large result sets (~1000+ certificates). Processing typically takes multiple hours, and will occasionally hang. We should refactor to improve performance.
Motivation and context
This improvement will make Admiral more robust, which in turn will make it easier for agencies to comply with ED 19-01.
Implementation notes
The interface was not designed to handle large result sets. Yet we want to process these troublesome domains in roughly the same amount of time it takes to process the others. One path forward might be implementing CeRTSearcH as a task. But we should conduct more research on potential solutions first.
💡 Summary
Admiral struggles with domains that have large result sets (~1000+ certificates). Processing typically takes multiple hours, and will occasionally hang. We should refactor to improve performance.
Motivation and context
This improvement will make Admiral more robust, which in turn will make it easier for agencies to comply with ED 19-01.
Implementation notes
The interface was not designed to handle large result sets. Yet we want to process these troublesome domains in roughly the same amount of time it takes to process the others. One path forward might be implementing CeRTSearcH as a task. But we should conduct more research on potential solutions first.