cisagov / crossfeed

External monitoring for organization assets
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
359 stars 54 forks source link

Less than two MFA types available on a white screen. No dashboards. Fresh aws acc. Fresh deployment (terraform) #1388

Open linkrage opened 2 years ago

linkrage commented 2 years ago

šŸ› Summary

What's wrong? Please be specific.

When I login with my cognito newly created user I see "Less than two MFA types available" on a white screen.

No dashboards etc.

This happens right after entering the correct auth code from the authenticator mobile app.

Please see the screenshots for details and let me know what additional debug info I should bring in (and possibly how to get that for you).

To reproduce

Using the Terraform scripts I deployed Crossfeed (modified prod vars/confs) on a fresh/empty aws account with the following ssms set to a random string as they were required by the Terraform scripts:


And these ssms were set correctly (proper keys & user-agent string) as in the docs:


Terraform deployed successfully without any erorrs etc. I've tested the deployment on a different fresh aws account before the final no-error deployment mentioned here.

This ssm was manually corrected:


Steps to reproduce the behavior:

What am I missing? Everything was done according to the docs and yet you can see what bothers me in the screenshots.

Expected behavior

What did you expect to happen that didn't?

Crossfeed to be working properly when installed via the Terraform scripts on a brand new/fresh aws account.

Any helpful log output or screenshots

Paste the results here:

git status:

    modified:   backend/env.yml
    modified:   backend/package.json
    modified:   backend/tools/
    modified:   infrastructure/Makefile
    modified:   infrastructure/
    modified:   infrastructure/prod.config
    modified:   infrastructure/prod.tfvars
    modified:   infrastructure/ 

git diff backend/env.yml backend/package.json backend/tools/ infrastructure/Makefile infrastructure/ infrastructure/prod.config infrastructure/prod.tfvars infrastructure/

diff --git a/backend/env.yml b/backend/env.yml
index 6ee72eb2..d2f8def1 100644
--- a/backend/env.yml
+++ b/backend/env.yml
@@ -48,21 +48,21 @@ prod:
   FARGATE_SUBNET_ID: ${ssm:/crossfeed/prod/WORKER_SUBNET_ID}
-  FARGATE_CLUSTER_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker'
-  FARGATE_TASK_DEFINITION_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker'
-  FARGATE_LOG_GROUP_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker'
+  FARGATE_CLUSTER_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker-4444'
+  FARGATE_TASK_DEFINITION_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker-4444'
+  FARGATE_LOG_GROUP_NAME: 'crossfeed-prod-worker-4444'
   SLS_LAMBDA_PREFIX: '${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}'
-  REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID: us-east-1_MZgKoBmkN
+  REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID: us-east-1_7S161LlK0
   WORKER_USER_AGENT: ${ssm:/crossfeed/prod/WORKER_USER_AGENT}
   MATOMO_URL: http://matomo.crossfeed.local
-  EXPORT_BUCKET_NAME: cisa-crossfeed-prod-exports
+  EXPORT_BUCKET_NAME: cisa-crossfeed-prod-exports-4444

diff --git a/backend/package.json b/backend/package.json
index 8703d1fc..cdc49154 100644
--- a/backend/package.json
+++ b/backend/package.json
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     "codegen": "ts-node src/tools/generate-censys-types.ts",
     "build-worker": "sh ./tools/",
     "deploy-worker-staging": "./tools/",
-    "deploy-worker-prod": "./tools/ crossfeed-prod-worker",
+    "deploy-worker-prod": "./tools/ crossfeed-prod-worker-4444",
     "syncdb": "docker-compose exec -T backend npx ts-node src/tools/run-syncdb.ts"
   "resolutions": {
diff --git a/backend/tools/ b/backend/tools/
index 03689696..f0f4c566 100755
--- a/backend/tools/
+++ b/backend/tools/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@

 set -e


 aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ECR_DOMAIN
diff --git a/infrastructure/Makefile b/infrastructure/Makefile
index 435017d8..f04c7b12 100644
--- a/infrastructure/Makefile
+++ b/infrastructure/Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 .PHONY: init plan apply

-   dotenv -- terraform init -backend-config=stage.config -input=false
+   dotenv -- terraform init -backend-config=prod.config -input=false
-   dotenv -- terraform plan -var-file=stage.tfvars -out plan
+   dotenv -- terraform plan -var-file=prod.tfvars -out plan
    dotenv -- terraform apply plan
-   terraform validate && terraform fmt -recursive
\ No newline at end of file
+   terraform validate && terraform fmt -recursive
diff --git a/infrastructure/ b/infrastructure/
index 119c0625..b6ad1f45 100644
--- a/infrastructure/
+++ b/infrastructure/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {
 resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "prod_api_domain" {
   name      = "/crossfeed/prod/DOMAIN"
   type      = "String"
-  value     = ""
+  value     = ""
   overwrite = true

   tags = {
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "prod_api_domain" {
 resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "stage_api_domain" {
   name      = "/crossfeed/staging/DOMAIN"
   type      = "String"
-  value     = ""
+  value     = ""
   overwrite = true

   tags = {
diff --git a/infrastructure/prod.config b/infrastructure/prod.config
index 578a2db6..f59b7f28 100644
--- a/infrastructure/prod.config
+++ b/infrastructure/prod.config
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@

diff --git a/infrastructure/prod.tfvars b/infrastructure/prod.tfvars
index 956c8e97..d282c542 100644
--- a/infrastructure/prod.tfvars
+++ b/infrastructure/prod.tfvars
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 aws_region                        = "us-east-1"
-project                           = "Crossfeed"
+project                           = "Crossfeed-4444"
 stage                             = "prod"
-frontend_domain                   = ""
-frontend_lambda_function          = "crossfeed-security-headers-prod"
-frontend_bucket                   = ""
-api_domain                        = ""
-frontend_cert_arn                 = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:957221700844:certificate/6c26ea05-4806-460a-a639-ee204ebde894"
-db_name                           = "crossfeed-prod-db2"
+frontend_domain                   = ""
+frontend_lambda_function          = "crossfeed-security-headers-prod-4444"
+frontend_bucket                   = ""
+api_domain                        = ""
+frontend_cert_arn                 = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:111111111111:certificate/00001f71-2467-4590-0000-305755b30000"
+db_name                           = "crossfeed-prod-db2-4444"
 db_port                           = 5432
 db_table_name                     = "cfproddb"
 db_instance_class                 = "db.t3.xlarge"
@@ -28,27 +28,27 @@ ssm_shodan_api_key                = "/crossfeed/prod/SHODAN_API_KEY"
 ssm_hibp_api_key                  = "/crossfeed/prod/HIBP_API_KEY"
 ssm_lg_api_key                    = "/crossfeed/prod/LG_API_KEY"
 ssm_lg_workspace_name             = "/crossfeed/prod/LG_WORKSPACE_NAME"
-cloudfront_name                   = "Crossfeed Prod Frontend"
-db_group_name                     = "crossfeed-prod-db-group"
-worker_ecs_repository_name        = "crossfeed-prod-worker"
-worker_ecs_cluster_name           = "crossfeed-prod-worker"
-worker_ecs_task_definition_family = "crossfeed-prod-worker"
-worker_ecs_log_group_name         = "crossfeed-prod-worker"
-worker_ecs_role_name              = "crossfeed-prod-worker"
-logging_bucket_name               = "cisa-crossfeed-prod-logging"
-export_bucket_name                = "cisa-crossfeed-prod-exports"
-user_pool_name                    = "crossfeed-prod"
-user_pool_domain                  = "crossfeed"
+cloudfront_name                   = "Crossfeed Prod Frontend-333"
+db_group_name                     = "crossfeed-prod-db-group-4444"
+worker_ecs_repository_name        = "crossfeed-prod-worker-4444"
+worker_ecs_cluster_name           = "crossfeed-prod-worker-4444"
+worker_ecs_task_definition_family = "crossfeed-prod-worker-4444"
+worker_ecs_log_group_name         = "crossfeed-prod-worker-4444"
+worker_ecs_role_name              = "crossfeed-prod-worker-4444"
+logging_bucket_name               = "cisa-crossfeed-prod-logging-4444"
+export_bucket_name                = "cisa-crossfeed-prod-exports-4444"
+user_pool_name                    = "crossfeed-prod-4444"
+user_pool_domain                  = "crossfeed-4444"
 ssm_user_pool_id                  = "/crossfeed/prod/USER_POOL_ID"
 ssm_user_pool_client_id           = "/crossfeed/prod/USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID"
-ses_support_email_sender          = "noreply@cr"
-ses_support_email_replyto         = "vulnerability@ci"
-matomo_ecs_cluster_name           = "crossfeed-matomo-prod"
-matomo_ecs_task_definition_family = "crossfeed-matomo-prod"
-matomo_ecs_log_group_name         = "crossfeed-matomo-prod"
-matomo_db_name                    = "crossfeed-matomo-prod"
+ses_support_email_sender          = ""
+ses_support_email_replyto         = ""
+matomo_ecs_cluster_name           = "crossfeed-matomo-prod-4444"
+matomo_ecs_task_definition_family = "crossfeed-matomo-prod-4444"
+matomo_ecs_log_group_name         = "crossfeed-matomo-prod-4444"
+matomo_db_name                    = "crossfeed-matomo-prod-4444"
 matomo_db_instance_class          = "db.t3.micro"
-matomo_ecs_role_name              = "crossfeed-matomo-prod"
+matomo_ecs_role_name              = "crossfeed-matomo-prod-4444"
 es_instance_type                  = "m4.large.elasticsearch"
 es_instance_count                 = 2
 es_instance_volume_size           = 512
diff --git a/infrastructure/ b/infrastructure/
index 69b9e2a9..6e799e5c 100644
--- a/infrastructure/
+++ b/infrastructure/
@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "user_pool_client_id" {
   tags = {
     Project = var.project
\ No newline at end of file

Add any screenshots of the problem here. screenshot-4





epicfaace commented 2 years ago

I see you set /crossfeed/prod/DOMAIN in terraform to It should be set to the value of a custom domain that your API is hosted on.

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace it is actually set to the custom domain - it's the same domain I use to login to this newly installed instance of Crossfeed. Everywhere you see, some IDs or anything similar is changed before pasting it here just for some privacy etc.

Is there anything I can check etc?

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Can you try manually navigating to the / URL in your API endpoint? You should get a 200 response with a blank body. Let me know what you get. (this endpoint:

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace I see what you mean - like it is on

In my case however the output is the HTML generated by the frontend code (not the API) - exactly like it would be if you query

So I've now changed the ssm "/crossfeed/prod/DOMAIN" from "" to ""

Now I think that the following commands did nothing during the deployment (and continue to do so) cd backend npx sls create_domain --stage=prod npx sls deploy --stage=prod

In AWS Lambda I keep having only one function - the crossfeed-security-headers-prod one.

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Now I think that the following commands did nothing during the deployment (and continue to do so) cd backend npx sls create_domain --stage=prod npx sls deploy --stage=prod

What output do you get from these commands?

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace thank you for your time helping me on all this!

The output is the same for both commands - please see the screenshots bellow.

screenshot-1 screenshot-2

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Hmm, it looks like you might have another command installed that is running when you call sls instead of serverless framework?

You could try replacing "sls" with "serverless", for example, npx serverless create_domain --stage=prod

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace thank you!

On macos sudo npm install -g serverless fixed both sls & serverless commands

Now I have this error: An error occurred: SchedulerLambdaFunction - Resource handler returned message: "Specified ReservedConcurrentExecutions for function decreases account's UnreservedConcurrentExecution below its minimum value of [50].

So I have to request a quota increate at

In your experience what number would you recommend for running just the Crossfeed project on a fresh aws account specifically?

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure, this is probably specific to your AWS account and what else you're running on it? Are you sure you're using a fresh AWS account (is it possible it was contaminated by previous deploy attempts)?

You could also alternatively just comment out this line ( and it should still work.

linkrage commented 2 years ago

Thank you. Yes I'm sure it's a fresh account because I intentionally contaminated a previous AWS account with Crossfeed installs so I can do a much cleaner install on the new account :)

I've requested the quota increase to 200 - that solved that particular problem. API service was finally deployed and now it returns the blank page you @epicfaace asked about earlier etc. :)

However that did not solve the initial error message from the Title/screenshot but I'll investigate it later and post updates here. Thank you for your time!

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace can you please help me debug these specific 502 errors?

screenshot-3 screenshot-2 screenshot-1

I confirm that I'm using revision 6f2582c8fb713aba396fe328ba2968d1161a75ab If you think issues might be related to the revision please let me know about a working one if possible.

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Hi @linkrage , unfortunately it's hard to tell what's going on without more logs / context. Can you try:

linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace I just deployed the latest master - no change in behavior at all on my end.

Here are some logs on the topic:


2022-02-22T18:37:05.730+02:00   START RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b Version: $LATEST
2022-02-22T18:37:05.735+02:00   2022-02-22T16:37:05.735Z 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b INFO Running scheduler...
2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00   2022-02-22T16:37:05.749Z 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b ERROR Invoke Error {"errorType":"QueryFailedError","errorMessage":"relation \"scan\" does not exist","code":"42P01","query":"SELECT \"Scan\".\"id\" AS \"Scan_id\", \"Scan\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scan_createdAt\", \"Scan\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scan_updatedAt\", \"Scan\".\"name\" AS \"Scan_name\", \"Scan\".\"arguments\" AS \"Scan_arguments\", \"Scan\".\"frequency\" AS \"Scan_frequency\", \"Scan\".\"lastRun\" AS \"Scan_lastRun\", \"Scan\".\"isGranular\" AS \"Scan_isGranular\", \"Scan\".\"isUserModifiable\" AS \"Scan_isUserModifiable\", \"Scan\".\"isSingleScan\" AS \"Scan_isSingleScan\", \"Scan\".\"manualRunPending\" AS \"Scan_manualRunPending\", \"Scan\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scan_createdById\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"id\" AS \"Scan__organizations_id\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scan__organizations_createdAt\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scan__organizations_updatedAt\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"name\" AS \"Scan__organizations_name\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"rootDomains\" AS \"Scan__organizations_rootDomains\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"ipBlocks\" AS \"Scan__organizations_ipBlocks\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"isPassive\" AS \"Scan__organizations_isPassive\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"parentId\" AS \"Scan__organizations_parentId\", \"Scan__organizations\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scan__organizations_createdById\", \"Scan__tags\".\"id\" AS \"Scan__tags_id\", \"Scan__tags\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scan__tags_createdAt\", \"Scan__tags\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scan__tags_updatedAt\", \"Scan__tags\".\"name\" AS \"Scan__tags_name\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"id\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_id\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_createdAt\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_updatedAt\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"name\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_name\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"rootDomains\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_rootDomains\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"ipBlocks\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_ipBlocks\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"isPassive\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_isPassive\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"parentId\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_parentId\", \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scan__tags__organizations_createdById\" FROM \"scan\" \"Scan\" LEFT JOIN \"scan_organizations_organization\" \"Scan_Scan__organizations\" ON \"Scan_Scan__organizations\".\"scanId\"=\"Scan\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization\" \"Scan__organizations\" ON \"Scan__organizations\".\"id\"=\"Scan_Scan__organizations\".\"organizationId\" LEFT JOIN \"scan_tags_organization_tag\" \"Scan_Scan__tags\" ON \"Scan_Scan__tags\".\"scanId\"=\"Scan\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization_tag\" \"Scan__tags\" ON \"Scan__tags\".\"id\"=\"Scan_Scan__tags\".\"organizationTagId\" LEFT JOIN \"organization_tag_organizations_organization\" \"Scan__tags_Scan__tags__organizations\" ON \"Scan__tags_Scan__tags__organizations\".\"organizationTagId\"=\"Scan__tags\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization\" \"Scan__tags__organizations\" ON \"Scan__tags__organizations\".\"id\"=\"Scan__tags_Scan__tags__organizations\".\"organizationId\"","parameters":[],"driverError":{"errorType":"error","errorMessage":"relation \"scan\" does not exist","code":"42P01","length":105,"name":"error","severity":"ERROR","position":"2016","file":"parse_relation.c","line":"1376","routine":"parserOpenTable","stack":["error: relation \"scan\" does not exist"," at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142675:98)"," at Parser.handlePacket (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142514:29)"," at Parser.parse (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142427:38)"," at Socket.<anonymous> (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:41488:42)"," at Socket.emit (events.js:400:28)"," at Socket.emit (domain.js:475:12)"," at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:293:12)"," at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:267:9)"," at Socket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:206:10)"," at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)"]},"length":105,"severity":"ERROR","position":"2016","file":"parse_relation.c","line":"1376","routine":"parserOpenTable","stack":["QueryFailedError: relation \"scan\" does not exist"," at QueryFailedError.TypeORMError [as constructor] (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:678:28)"," at new QueryFailedError (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:2908:28)"," at PostgresQueryRunner.<anonymous> (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:46423:31)"," at step (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:218:23)"," at Object.throw (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:199:53)"," at rejected (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:190:65)"," at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)"]}
2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00   END RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b
2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00   REPORT RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b Duration: 15.83 ms Billed Duration: 16 ms Memory Size: 4096 MB Max Memory Used: 177 MB


2022-02-22T19:06:15.938+02:00   requestId: 81cab78f-e316-4bb0-9429-cbbec0a284fa, ip:, caller: -, user: -, requestTime: 22/Feb/2022:17:06:15 +0000, httpMethod: POST, resourcePath: /{any+}, status: 502, protocol: HTTP/1.1, responseLength: 36


2022-02-22T18:45:59.663+02:00   START RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 Version: $LATEST
2022-02-22T18:45:59.754+02:00   2022-02-22T16:45:59.753Z 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 ERROR [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /matomo.js from to http://matomo.crossfeed.local (ENOTFOUND) (
2022-02-22T18:45:59.756+02:00   END RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17
2022-02-22T18:45:59.756+02:00   REPORT RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 Duration: 92.41 ms Billed Duration: 93 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 183 MB

BTW since the beginning I have 2 ECS clusters: crossfeed-prod-worker - 0 Services crossfeed-matomo-prod - 1 Service

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Oh -- you need to invoke the lambda function "crossfeed-prod-syncdb" through the AWS console in the AWS lambda tab. Can you try that first?

This function actually creates the database tables.

If that works, then if you don't mind updating the documentation, I'd really appreciate it!

-- Ashwin Ramaswami

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 12:30 PM linkrage @.***> wrote:

@epicfaace I just deployed the latest master - no change in behavior at all on my end.

Here are some logs on the topic:


2022-02-22T18:37:05.730+02:00 START RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b Version: $LATEST 2022-02-22T18:37:05.735+02:00 2022-02-22T16:37:05.735Z 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b INFO Running scheduler... 2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00 2022-02-22T16:37:05.749Z 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b ERROR Invoke Error {"errorType":"QueryFailedError","errorMessage":"relation \"scan\" does not exist","code":"42P01","query":"SELECT \"Scan\".\"id\" AS \"Scan_id\", \"Scan\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scan_createdAt\", \"Scan\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scan_updatedAt\", \"Scan\".\"name\" AS \"Scan_name\", \"Scan\".\"arguments\" AS \"Scan_arguments\", \"Scan\".\"frequency\" AS \"Scan_frequency\", \"Scan\".\"lastRun\" AS \"Scan_lastRun\", \"Scan\".\"isGranular\" AS \"Scan_isGranular\", \"Scan\".\"isUserModifiable\" AS \"Scan_isUserModifiable\", \"Scan\".\"isSingleScan\" AS \"Scan_isSingleScan\", \"Scan\".\"manualRunPending\" AS \"Scan_manualRunPending\", \"Scan\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scan_createdById\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"id\" AS \"Scanorganizations_id\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scanorganizations_createdAt\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scanorganizations_updatedAt\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"name\" AS \"Scanorganizations_name\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"rootDomains\" AS \"Scanorganizations_rootDomains\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"ipBlocks\" AS \"Scanorganizations_ipBlocks\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"isPassive\" AS \"Scanorganizations_isPassive\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"parentId\" AS \"Scanorganizations_parentId\", \"Scanorganizations\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scanorganizations_createdById\", \"Scantags\".\"id\" AS \"Scantags_id\", \"Scantags\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scantags_createdAt\", \"Scantags\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scantags_updatedAt\", \"Scantags\".\"name\" AS \"Scantags_name\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"id\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_id\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"createdAt\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_createdAt\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_updatedAt\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"name\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_name\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"rootDomains\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_rootDomains\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"ipBlocks\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_ipBlocks\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"isPassive\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_isPassive\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"parentId\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_parentId\", \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"createdById\" AS \"Scantagsorganizations_createdById\" FROM \"scan\" \"Scan\" LEFT JOIN \"scan_organizations_organization\" \"Scan_Scanorganizations\" ON \"Scan_Scanorganizations\".\"scanId\"=\"Scan\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization\" \"Scanorganizations\" ON \"Scan__organizations\".\"id\"=\"Scan_Scanorganizations\".\"organizationId\" LEFT JOIN \"scan_tags_organization_tag\" \"Scan_Scantags\" ON \"Scan_Scan__tags\".\"scanId\"=\"Scan\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization_tag\" \"Scantags\" ON \"Scantags\".\"id\"=\"Scan_Scan__tags\".\"organizationTagId\" LEFT JOIN \"organization_tag_organizations_organization\" \"Scantags_Scantagsorganizations\" ON \"Scantags_Scantagsorganizations\".\"organizationTagId\"=\"Scantags\".\"id\" LEFT JOIN \"organization\" \"Scantagsorganizations\" ON \"Scantagsorganizations\".\"id\"=\"Scantags_Scantags__organizations\".\"organizationId\"","parameters":[],"driverError":{"errorType":"error","errorMessage":"relation \"scan\" does not exist","code":"42P01","length":105,"name":"error","severity":"ERROR","position":"2016","file":"parse_relation.c","line":"1376","routine":"parserOpenTable","stack":["error: relation \"scan\" does not exist"," at Parser.parseErrorMessage (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142675:98)"," at Parser.handlePacket (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142514:29)"," at Parser.parse (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:142427:38)"," at Socket. (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:41488:42)"," at Socket.emit (events.js:400:28)"," at Socket.emit (domain.js:475:12)"," at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:293:12)"," at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:267:9)"," at Socket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:206:10)"," at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)"]},"length":105,"severity":"ERROR","position":"2016","file":"parse_relation.c","line":"1376","routine":"parserOpenTable","stack":["QueryFailedError: relation \"scan\" does not exist"," at QueryFailedError.TypeORMError [as constructor] (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:678:28)"," at new QueryFailedError (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:2908:28)"," at PostgresQueryRunner. (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:46423:31)"," at step (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:218:23)"," at Object.throw (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:199:53)"," at rejected (/var/task/src/tasks/scheduler.js:190:65)"," at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)"]} 2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00 END RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b 2022-02-22T18:37:05.750+02:00 REPORT RequestId: 0409b0d3-f0de-4545-90c9-365d03fe190b Duration: 15.83 ms Billed Duration: 16 ms Memory Size: 4096 MB Max Memory Used: 177 MB


2022-02-22T19:06:15.938+02:00 requestId: 81cab78f-e316-4bb0-9429-cbbec0a284fa, ip:, caller: -, user: -, requestTime: 22/Feb/2022:17:06:15 +0000, httpMethod: POST, resourcePath: /{any+}, status: 502, protocol: HTTP/1.1, responseLength: 36


2022-02-22T18:45:59.663+02:00 START RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 Version: $LATEST 2022-02-22T18:45:59.754+02:00 2022-02-22T16:45:59.753Z 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 ERROR [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /matomo.js from to http://matomo.crossfeed.local (ENOTFOUND) ( 2022-02-22T18:45:59.756+02:00 END RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 2022-02-22T18:45:59.756+02:00 REPORT RequestId: 685f109f-3a3c-44e0-a102-451090aace17 Duration: 92.41 ms Billed Duration: 93 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 183 MB

BTW since the beginning I have 2 ECS clusters: crossfeed-prod-worker - 0 Services crossfeed-matomo-prod - 1 Service

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linkrage commented 2 years ago


Thanks! That fixed all the mentioned errors so far!

What's the most elegant way of dealing with this part in "pages/AuthCreateAccount/AuthCreateAccount.tsx" ?

I've used stage=prod (etc.) for everything during deployment.

Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 403


epicfaace commented 2 years ago

You need to 1) make an account, then 2) call the crossfeed-prod-makeGlobalAdmin lambda function through the AWS console with the payload {email: "[your email address]"}, then 3) go back to Crossfeed and log in. This is just one-time setup required for the first global admin account you create on a deployed Crossfeed instance.

-- Ashwin Ramaswami

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 1:08 PM linkrage @.***> wrote:


Thanks! That fixed all the mentioned errors so far!

What's the most elegant way of dealing with this part in "pages/AuthCreateAccount/AuthCreateAccount.tsx" ?

I've used stage=prod (etc.) for everything during deployment.

Request URL: Request Method: GET Status Code: 403

[image: screenshot-1]

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linkrage commented 2 years ago

@epicfaace I managed to login after doing that.

Now I get 403 HTTP error when I try to do something useful - e.g. create an "organization" in Crossfeed, invite user etc. I see zero errors on the topic in the logs.

The API response is "User must accept terms of use"

Is there a better way to proceed with this other than editing the backend/src/api/app.ts ?

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Try going to [frontend url]/terms to see if you can sign the terms?

Note that the TOU are really only specific to CISA's crossfeed instance, which we should probably remove if you're standing up your own instance.

linkrage commented 2 years ago

Thanks, this one did not work unfortunatelly.

Whitelisting the desired domains in backend/src/api/app.ts worked.

epicfaace commented 2 years ago

Okay, that's great! probably a bug that needs to be fixed in the future.