Research efforts and steps to replace existing amplify-react-ui login page components with Material UI components (with custom logic to cognito)
What is the work, as a high-level summary?:
Research and plan options/steps involved in this process.
Motivation and context
Amplify-React-UI is restrictive in design and we aren't able to cleanly modify or intercept the login page/process to standardize styling to Material UI in it's current state.
Why does this work belong in this project?
It's relevant to Crossfeed redesign tasks.
This would be useful because...
It would allow us standard styling across the application and flexibility to modify these UI components in the future without restrictions built into the amplify-react-ui library.
Implementation notes
Please provide details for implementation, such as:
an example for how this would be used
what this would look like
how this would act
any related work, including links to related issues
Acceptance criteria
How do we know when this work is done?
[ ] Research completed and additional issues are created to track work
[ ] Provide options graphically to use in UI dashboard.
💡 Summary
Research efforts and steps to replace existing amplify-react-ui login page components with Material UI components (with custom logic to cognito)
What is the work, as a high-level summary?: Research and plan options/steps involved in this process.
Motivation and context
Amplify-React-UI is restrictive in design and we aren't able to cleanly modify or intercept the login page/process to standardize styling to Material UI in it's current state. Why does this work belong in this project? It's relevant to Crossfeed redesign tasks. This would be useful because... It would allow us standard styling across the application and flexibility to modify these UI components in the future without restrictions built into the amplify-react-ui library.
Implementation notes
Please provide details for implementation, such as:
Acceptance criteria
How do we know when this work is done?