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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Create high level diagrams of the registrar #1831

Open vickyszuchin opened 4 months ago

vickyszuchin commented 4 months ago

Issue description

Create high level diagrams of codebase

Acceptance criteria

  1. propose an idea for HL diagrams to the engineering team
  2. get agreement on what is desired and useful from the engineering team
  3. Create HL diagrams
  4. create follow on tickets for additional diagrams as needed
  5. Create documentation on how this should be updated
  6. update the PR checklist to remind people to update this diagram their changes make it outdated.

    Additional context

    HL diagrams should not include a database diagram, nor should it be easily require lots of edits in the near future. For instance, a class diagram with very specific reasonings on how the code works, could result in lots of edits anytime that code is changed. slack discussion

This should be timeboxes to 5 days per the points. Follow on tickets can be made if needed

Links to other issues

No response

vickyszuchin commented 4 months ago

This ticket is an action item from the engineering huddle (2/26/2024).

h-m-f-t commented 4 months ago

Check in with @trevorbryant-cisa, who has several diagrams we can use or build upon.

trevorbryant-cisa commented 4 months ago

@vickyszuchin is there more information that can detail this ticket?

vickyszuchin commented 3 months ago

@trevorbryant-cisa This ticket came about while talking about new member onboarding. The team felt HL diagrams of the system would be a good resource for an understanding of the architecture. Your name came up because you may have generated some HL diagrams already for your work. So, this ticket (for the assignee) will be compiling the HL diagrams that you have and supplementing/creating additional diagrams that are deemed useful. cc: @abroddrick

abroddrick commented 2 months ago

with so many people being gone for sprint 43 and part of 44. this seems like a good one to wait until sprint 45. CC: @PaulKuykendall @vickyszuchin @h-m-f-t.

reasoning: This could be really easy to over engineer if done alone without feedback. Also, all devs would be responsible for maintaining diagrams, so if an individual over engineers this alone (while people are gone) it could cause more work for other engineers or result in the diagrams not being maintained due to an annoyance/frustration factor.

I put "blocked" tag for that reason.

vickyszuchin commented 2 months ago

"refinement" label added: action item from refinement meeting (4/15) for dev team to discuss AC#1 in an upcoming engineer huddle meeting. cc: @abroddrick

vickyszuchin commented 1 month ago

Eng huddle discussion on 5/20. See eng huddle notes.