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Create barebones org model home page #2330

Closed abroddrick closed 3 months ago

abroddrick commented 3 months ago

Issue description

For the org model, all org model users will see a different home page than users see now. There is a sidebar view very similiar to the domain management pages and thus can be added now before design is complete. Adding a view now also gives us a place to start adding all the other tabs and the other features such as new filtering features.

Some considerations when adding this view is that we need to be able to route users to this page (more middleware interference). We also want to make sure the domains/domain request tables stay somewhat in sync with the non org view, ie if we change the widths or add a button to one, it would be great if we didn't have to remember to change it in both places.

The goal here is to create a starting base to build the org model view from, however, do not worry about all the database aspects not being ready. For instance, see the AC below that mentions just not showing anything about suborganizations, the org name etc, those will be added in later. Note, also that all the other tabs basically will do nothing at the moment.

No design review required as this will not be a finished product yet.

Acceptance criteria

Additional context

Example of what is made, though refer to the figma. In this picture the filters and export and suborganization should all be excluded. image

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