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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Issue #2320: Redirect user to either home or domain request #2338

Closed dave-kennedy-ecs closed 4 days ago

dave-kennedy-ecs commented 1 week ago


Resolves #2320


Context for reviewers


Test the following workflows: 1) Attempt to access the home page with a user logged in by IAL1 but has incomplete info (no title or phone). After completing the form and clicking Save, user should have option to manage domains 2) Attempt to access the /request/ page with a user logged in by IAL1 but has incomplete info (no title or phone). After completing the form and clicking Save, user should have an additional button to return to request. 3) Attempt to access the home page with a user logged in by IAL2 (invited user) but has incomplete info (no title or phone). After completing the user-profile form and clicking Save, user should have option to manage domains 4) Attempt to access the /request/ page with a user logged in by IAL2 (invited user) but has incomplete info (no title or phone). After completing the user-profile form and clicking Save, user should have the option to return to domain request. 5) From home page, with a completed user, Add a new domain request, then click the link on the intro page to update your profile. After updating the profile, you should have an option to return to your request.

Code Review Verification Steps

As the original developer, I have

Satisfied acceptance criteria and met development standards

Ensured code standards are met (Original Developer)

Validated user-facing changes (if applicable)

As a code reviewer, I have

Reviewed, tested, and left feedback about the changes

Ensured code standards are met (Code reviewer)

Validated user-facing changes as a developer

Note: Multiple code reviewers can share the checklists above, a second reviewers should not make a duplicate checklist

As a designer reviewer, I have

Verified that the changes match the design intention

Validated user-facing changes as a designer


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox dk.

gabydisarli commented 1 week ago

Hi @dave-kennedy-ecs I'll be doing your design review :)

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox dk.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox dk.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox dk.