cisagov /

A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Issue #2331 - fix asterisks on "Additional Details" page [ko] #2339

Closed CocoByte closed 1 week ago

CocoByte commented 1 week ago

Ticket 2331

Resolves #2331


Context for reviewers

Code is deployed on getgov-ko

Open a Domain Request. Navigate to "Additional Details". Verify that the asterisks for required field text lie outside of the period and do not have parenthesis around it:


Code Review Verification Steps

As the original developer, I have

Satisfied acceptance criteria and met development standards

Ensured code standards are met (Original Developer)

Validated user-facing changes (if applicable)

As a code reviewer, I have

Reviewed, tested, and left feedback about the changes

Ensured code standards are met (Code reviewer)

Validated user-facing changes as a developer

Note: Multiple code reviewers can share the checklists above, a second reviewers should not make a duplicate checklist

As a designer reviewer, I have

Verified that the changes match the design intention

Validated user-facing changes as a designer


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox nl.