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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Portfolio view matches the figma for the Domains page and navigation #2349

Open vickyszuchin opened 1 week ago

vickyszuchin commented 1 week ago

Issue description

As an Portfolio user (manager and admin), I want to view and search my domains So I can efficiently view my domain information

Acceptance criteria

Additional context

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abroddrick commented 4 days ago

@gabydisarli This is the comment this was drawn from and this is the link but it takes me to a page that doesn't have the search or reset items so I think it's the wrong link. Mind grabbing the right link to the to the icon we need to show on the search bar instead of the current reset? (Link can be added to the last AC Image

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

@vickyszuchin confirming that you also want this ticket to cover the view-only version of the domain overview page (AC #1)? The comment you mentioned this come from doesn't cover that so I just want to make sure.

vickyszuchin commented 3 days ago

Thanks @gabydisarli for bringing this up. I'm looking at the figma in which @abroddrick left the comment for this ticket and the design is showing edit-mode. So, do we want this ticket to cover the different scenarios?

  1. Admin that is not a domain manager for any domains in portfolio (view-mode)
  2. Admin that is a domain manager for a selection of domains in the portfolio (edit-mode)