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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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(on getgov-litterbox) Ticket #2301: Fill federal agency type #2356

Closed zandercymatics closed 2 days ago

zandercymatics commented 1 week ago


Resolves #2301


Context for reviewers

This ticket, more broadly, adds a script that will fill the federal_typefield on FederalAgency.federal_type. This federal_type value is obtained from our DomainInformation records.

To see the run result of this script on our data, visit getgov-litterbox

Broadly, what does the script do? This script does 3 things:

  1. Grabs all DomainInformation objects
  2. Grabs all FederalAgencies that have a value on the name field for the record: "" (otherwise - there's no point!)
  3. On each FederalAgency record, grab the related DomainInformation object based off of the agency name. If the data doesn't look wonky, then we apply the value!
  4. Log what happened along the way and at the end.

There are two tickets to run this script:

See this slack thread for more information


Testing locally or on a sandbox a) on a sandbox: / transfer_federal_agency_type b) docker-compose exec app ./ transfer_federal_agency_type

Do note that this script assumes that DomainInformation is generally accurate, so if there is incorrect data there for federal agency (fixtures data) then that will percolate. There is one check in place that sees if there is a disparity between multiple records (which tells us the data is wrong), and that is generally effective at weeding that out - but not entirely for fixtures only data.

Verifying that the script works with prod data a) Visit the getgov-litterbox sandbox OR b) Run the import script on a sandbox of your choice as documented in our readmes and run the script

Code Review Verification Steps

As the original developer, I have

Satisfied acceptance criteria and met development standards

Ensured code standards are met (Original Developer)

Validated user-facing changes (if applicable)

As a code reviewer, I have

Reviewed, tested, and left feedback about the changes

Ensured code standards are met (Code reviewer)

Validated user-facing changes as a developer

Note: Multiple code reviewers can share the checklists above, a second reviewers should not make a duplicate checklist

As a designer reviewer, I have

Verified that the changes match the design intention

Validated user-facing changes as a designer


zandercymatics commented 1 week ago

This ticket will be split into two. One with the documentation additions + the template, the other with just the script.

I also am debating on including those additions or not to begin with. The last 5+ scripts have generally followed the exact same pattern, so I'm thinking this could be helpful.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.