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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Issue #2333: Domain state filters - [RJM] #2361

Open rachidatecs opened 4 days ago

rachidatecs commented 4 days ago


Resolves #2333


Context for reviewers


The biggest outstanding question was about markup and whether to focus trap or not to focus trap. I took a look at USWDS's nav dropdown implementation (not the main nav trigger, rather the dropdowns within the nav). They use a variant of the accordion component, do not focus trap, rather trigger a hide of the subnav when the focus shifts away from the open subnav/trigger. I implemented the same patterns on this ticket @gabydisarli @AnnaGingle

On keyboard navigability, the default DOM components used work as follows:


Code Review Verification Steps

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github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

@rachidatecs — @AnnaGingle and I will be doing the design review.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

@rachidatecs I would like the filters to activate once the user starts interacting with them. Meaning the base state is that they are all unchecked. Them being unchecked is the table with no filters applied. Once the user opens, selects a filter, then the table is filtered based on what they selected, this way they don't have to uncheck all other filters in order to filter for the the status they want.

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

Can we make the space between h1 and the table 16px?

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

Is the space beween "Filter by" and the status dropdowns 16px?

gabydisarli commented 3 days ago

can we match this spacing for above and below the filter Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 3 25 21 PM

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

gabydisarli commented 14 hours ago

Some more visual tweaks:

gabydisarli commented 14 hours ago

Can we preserve scroll position when the filters are toggled? Every time I select a filter, the viewport pulls down towards the dropdown and it feels awkward.

gabydisarli commented 14 hours ago

Noticing we don't have the clear selection link button below the filters. Am I forgetting that we axed that? I thought we kept it.

gabydisarli commented 14 hours ago

When I select filters and then click Clear filters button, the carat stays in the expanded version even though the dropdown is closed. (this happens sporadically)

rachidatecs commented 14 hours ago

Noticing we don't have the clear selection link button below the filters. Am I forgetting that we axed that? I thought we kept it.

This would be the exact same functionality as the reset button that pops up. Is it needed?

github-actions[bot] commented 14 hours ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

rachidatecs commented 14 hours ago

When I select filters and then click Clear filters button, the carat stays in the expanded version even though the dropdown is closed. (this happens sporadically)

~Unable to recreate. If you're able to get this to happen consistently, let's get on a huddle.~

I see it. Fixing.

Can we preserve scroll position when the filters are toggled? Every time I select a filter, the viewport pulls down towards the dropdown and it feels awkward.

Yeah... Cuz we always scroll to the top of the table once the data reloads, an implementation that was a good idea for pagination. ~I'll see what I can do.~ -- Fixed

github-actions[bot] commented 13 hours ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 13 hours ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox rjm.

gabydisarli commented 12 hours ago

Can we switch to allowing the dropdown to close if clicking outside of it?

gabydisarli commented 12 hours ago

I'm still seeing a slight inconsistency between the production button and the Figma design. There is a lot of space besides the button label. See side by side. Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 3 15 40 PM