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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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CSV export timeout on full domain meta data #2363

Open abroddrick opened 4 days ago

abroddrick commented 4 days ago

Current Behavior

Once again, the full domain meta data export on the analytics page is timing out and prevents us from getting the report

Expected Behavior

Full domain meta data (and other reports) don't time out.

Steps to Reproduce

1.go to stable

  1. click /admin/analytics
  2. click to full domain meta data download
  3. see the timeout image




Additional Context

We will be expanding this feature to appear on the domains page for any user to pull down info for their domains, thus having this code more efficient would be good before we expand on it further.

Some things that have been discussed regarding the export:

All of the above should be considered on the table for this ticket at the discretion of the developer.

Issue Links

No response

PaulKuykendall commented 4 days ago

Looks good to pull in, per our slack thread