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A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Add suborganization to Domain Info and Domain request #2365

Open abroddrick opened 4 days ago

abroddrick commented 4 days ago

Issue description

Domains and domain requests will need to have a sub org value for the org model. Thus we should add the value to the table so we can begin using mock data in our views.

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zandercymatics commented 2 days ago

Fixed typos null on all both tables => be null on both tables

  1. if the org model feature flag is turned on ( to just superusers, whichever is easier) => if the org model feature flag is turned on ( or to just superusers, whichever is easier)
vickyszuchin commented 2 days ago

@abroddrick @zandercymatics I'm moving this ticket into the current sprint (sprint 48) given that it's in "In review" .