cisagov /

A Django-based domain name registrar used by the .gov domain to communicate with an EPP registry
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Ticket #2157: Use creator email rather than submitters for status updates / domain request #2369

Closed zandercymatics closed 20 hours ago

zandercymatics commented 3 days ago


Resolves #2157


Context for reviewers

This PR will send an email to the domain request creator rather than the submitter only if the profile feature flag is enabled


For all of the steps below, make sure both the creator and submitter have emails that you are in control of

  1. Change the status of any domain request with the profile flag OFF. You should expect an email to the submitter email
  2. Change the status of any domain request with the profile flag ON. You should expect an email to the creator email

Code Review Verification Steps

As the original developer, I have

Satisfied acceptance criteria and met development standards

Ensured code standards are met (Original Developer)

Validated user-facing changes (if applicable)

As a code reviewer, I have

Reviewed, tested, and left feedback about the changes

Ensured code standards are met (Code reviewer)

Validated user-facing changes as a developer

Note: Multiple code reviewers can share the checklists above, a second reviewers should not make a duplicate checklist

As a designer reviewer, I have

Verified that the changes match the design intention

Validated user-facing changes as a designer


github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.

zandercymatics commented 2 days ago

@CocoByte Should be on getgov-hotgov!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

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zandercymatics commented 1 day ago

@abroddrick While unrelated, it looks like that bug is coming from some failing js in our get-gov-admin.js file.

Since select-2 uses AJAX to grab its data, this is causing a fail condition on the creator field when you try to access it. I can only repliclate this locally - I do not entirely understand why but it likely is just script load order. I've include some error handling in the failing area of the script (it was missing that anyway)

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

🥳 Successfully deployed to developer sandbox za.