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Django Admin: rearrange Status-related fields in domain request for better viewing experience #2380

Open vickyszuchin opened 2 days ago

vickyszuchin commented 2 days ago

Issue description

In #2332 , we display the text of the email template once the category is selected, letting analysts review the template (confirming it meets the need), and then send out an email. In the implementation, the email template is shown as part of the status audit log, which may may cause confusion for the analysts. This was noted by design in the the design review.

In the Product/Design sync meeting (6/25/2024), we explored approaches. We decided it is best to separate the email template from the status audit log, Additionally, rearranging the fields would provide a better viewing experience. The new field ordering is as follows:

Status History: [Show details/Hide details] Status: "Action needed" Action needed reason: [reason] Auto-generated email: [Show details/Hide details]

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vickyszuchin commented 20 hours ago

Moving this ticket into sprint 48 since it's in "In review". cc: @abroddrick