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Run the Fill federal agency type script on stable #2383

Open zandercymatics opened 2 days ago

zandercymatics commented 2 days ago

Issue description

We wrote a script that, given values on DomainInformation, will populate the federal agency type field on FederalAgency. Now we just need to run this script on stable

Acceptance criteria

Additional context

The command to run this script is ./ transfer_federal_agency_type. Note that it is NOT idempotent, meaning you that if you rerun it, it will update the same fields.

If any fields are skipped, it means that we don't have any data to pull from to update. This number should be low. These will have to be updated manually.

If you run into an exception on any fields, that likely means that something else is very wrong.

Links to other issues

⛔ Blocked until #2356 is merged 🔄 Relates to #2382