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(3) Figma Design System: Update Dg/mgmt-sidenav #2631

Open joet333 opened 3 weeks ago

joet333 commented 3 weeks ago

Issue description

The Dg/mgmt-sidenav --/Component / Variant / State: in the Figma design system does not match production. The following issues are :

Acceptance criteria

Additional context

Links to other issues

Add any tickets that come out of this work.

joet333 commented 3 weeks ago

cc @AnnaGingle

AnnaGingle commented 3 weeks ago

Is this the nav for or

joet333 commented 3 days ago

Given how we are using the folders to designate the different platforms "Get/footer" and "Registrar/footer" It would be good to have that same naming convention applied to this component for each See Footer change log for more information.

May need to add new components -- including the sidebar

Talk about when to make it local components vs global.

ex "Get/sidenav" and "Registar/sidenav"

@AnnaGingle @gabydisarli