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Investigate copying one database to another sandbox #2724

Open abroddrick opened 1 week ago

abroddrick commented 1 week ago

Issue description

We have talked with on how to pull down a backup of stable, but the first option we tried had various issues with developers, including many technical blockers stemming from their machines. It also required us to download a copy onto our local machine, but many devs use personal devices and should not put a copy of our db on their personal device.

With all of this, we emailed and received an alternative solution. This will require heads down time to work through and may require emailing or joining their office hours for questions. We also do have some hours of help were we can get their help if we get stuck with the steps they dictate.

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Additional context

Quote from on suggested alternative approach

This would involve setting up a temporary docker application with an S3 bucket bound to that application. Additionally you would bind the old RDS instance to the temporary docker application.

You would then dump the data from the old RDS instance into that temporary docker application and then transfer it to the S3 bucket from there. After the data is transferred to S3, you would unbind the old RDS instance, bind the new RDS instance and then connect the new RDS instance to S3 and load the data into the new RDS instance.

If you need to share the service instance that contains the data with another space in your organization, please refer to the documentation on sharing service instances, linked here. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or would like any further clarification.

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abroddrick commented 1 week ago

Tentatively reserving for Matt to work on