cisagov / scanner

Automated pshtt, trustymail, and sslyze scanning
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Reduce concurrency to alleviate dropped connections #37

Closed jsf9k closed 4 years ago

jsf9k commented 4 years ago

🗣 Description

@climber-girl noticed a case where a pshtt scan failed because no traffic was returned. The most likely culprit is that the NAT gateway through which all the Lambda traffic is passing is being overly taxed and dropping connections. To resolve this, I reduced the concurrency of the pshtt and sslyze scans by twenty percent.

Note that the trustymail concurrency has already been reduced in #35 in order to alleviate a different issue, and hence there is no need to reduce it here.

💭 Motivation and Context

The dropped connections are resulting in incorrect pshtt scan results.

🧪 Testing

There is no way to test except to perform a full production scan using the new concurrency parameters and see if the problem persists. That will happen this weekend.

🚥 Types of Changes

✅ Checklist