cisco / libsrtp

Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)
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Build without versioned soname on Android. #607

Closed mansourmoufid closed 1 year ago

mansourmoufid commented 2 years ago

I'm building for Android with CMake. This produces the shared library and a symbolic link to it

I would like to just drop the library into the jniLibs directory, but Android Studio recognizes libraries by file name (ignores file names that don't match *.so), so I need to build libsrtp without a versioned soname, i.e. no linker flag -Wl,-soname,....

This can be done by setting the CMake target property NO_SONAME.

pabuhler commented 1 year ago

Hi @eliteraspberries I just tried to build for Android using CMAKE and it did not create a version *.so for me. The output when building shared was just . I have created a pull request with Android build that shows what I did, #628 . I am going to close this for now, please reopen if you still have issue.

DoAnhKien commented 1 year ago

Hi pablhler, can you show me the way that you build , i tried so many way but i not work i tried but i got this error image

pabuhler commented 1 year ago

Did you look at the steps in ? This was just an example and I am not sure how you try to build libsrtp for android.

Remember you can also just add the libsrtp source files to your own build files.

If you provide a mini project that shows your issues then maybe I can take a look at what goes wrong but I am no Android build expert.

DoAnhKien commented 1 year ago

thank pablhler, i did with the docs, then i success with it, thank you