cisco / mercury

Mercury: network metadata capture and analysis
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Fingerprints Database update #26

Open Spikhalskiy opened 3 weeks ago

Spikhalskiy commented 3 weeks ago

Up until 8 September 2020 there were frequent updates to the fingerprint database as may be seen here:

It looks like there were new much smaller database published in 2022 with 'tls/1' fingerprints

There were no updates since then since then as there are new devices and new OS versions. Are there any plans to publish an update to the database?

Spikhalskiy commented 2 weeks ago

For example, after this commit the way how grease is included in fingerprint changed. Before the grease was included with the length and the value, after grease is included as the extension type only. But fingerprints in fingerprint_db.json.gz were not adjusted for this change.