cisco / mercury

Mercury: network metadata capture and analysis
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adduser not available for some distro #5

Closed Lynxiayel closed 3 years ago

Lynxiayel commented 4 years ago

the makefile uses adduser --system --no-create-home --group mercury to add a new user mercury and create a same-named group.

adduser is an actual alias for useradd and may not be available in some linux distros (eg. OpenSUSE). This will cause make install to fail.

The equivalent command should be useradd --system --user-group mercury in these distros.

davidmcgrew commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. It looks like useradd is present on Debian/Ubuntu and CentOS, so I will go ahead and switch from adduser, once I have tested the change.

davidmcgrew commented 3 years ago

src/ and the .deb/.rpm package builder both switched over to useradd.