cisen / english-training

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s8 #1

Open cisen opened 2 years ago

cisen commented 2 years ago




cisen commented 2 years ago

01: 我最擅长的:my strongest skill 再这个季节:on this season 看起来很有意思:looking pretty mean 将会:is going to 对你没好处:never works in your favor 没什么是我不能克服的:there is nothing out there i can't overcome 做太多的探索:do too much more exploring 必须去找:got to find 以防我遇到他们:in case i come across another one of them 在过去:in the pass 毅力:will power 倒霉的事一定会来:the suck is definitely coming 你熬过去的唯一方法就是足够的意志力:the only way you're going to get through it is with enough willpower 是非常重要:is a big priority 不想在这里待太久:i do not want to spend too many nights 不好的信号:not good sign 有能力做什么:is capable of doing 送你去见上帝:end you [06:38]