I would like to indicate whether a work is open access, mainly inspired by the access parameter(s) in Wikipedia Citation Style 1.
As an example, Citation Style 1 names four standard keywords for different levels of access:
These are used to show variations on the Open Access logo against references.
Access indicators are mainly aimed at journal articles, but could also apply to other media, such as news websites (if they're behind a paywall), or podcasts (for episodes only available to paid subscribers).
I would like to indicate whether a work is open access, mainly inspired by the access parameter(s) in Wikipedia Citation Style 1.
As an example, Citation Style 1 names four standard keywords for different levels of access:
These are used to show variations on the Open Access logo against references.
Access indicators are mainly aimed at journal articles, but could also apply to other media, such as news websites (if they're behind a paywall), or podcasts (for episodes only available to paid subscribers).