citation-style-language / styles

Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
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Styles for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) #1253

Closed zuphilip closed 9 years ago

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

I have looked at citation guidelines for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). There are 27 active journals published by the CSIRO which uses 10 different citation guidelines (according to my investigation):

Moreover, the style guidelines and current articles are not always consistent with the text before and after an url (I would implement just one variant here).

I will create several pull requests for these styles. I would like to pick out one style for each group and make depending styles for the other journals within that group. Or do you think it make sense to create 5 independent styles for CSIRO?

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

Thanks for checking all this!

I would make independents for one journal out of each group. We already have some, I think (e.g. emu-austral-ornithology.csl).

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

I see. Would you also make an independent style for the small groups with just 2 or 3 depending styles? This could be more confusing then helping. No?

Yes, I would pick the emu journal. In the same group are also the existing styles: Invertebrate Systematics and Wildlife Research. The diff between the csl styles show that they don't really differ. Another journal is linked to an Elsevier style, which is wrong.

adam3smith commented 9 years ago

what Rintze is saying is to not create independent styles with generic names like CSIRO Publishing (author-date) and the like at all. Just pick one journal from each group and make an independent style for that. Then create the dependent ones linking to that journal style. Does that make sense?

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

Would you also make an independent style for the small groups with just 2 or 3 depending styles?

Yes (and as @adam3smith says). If you use our setup at, you only need one spreadsheet with metadata and one style template, so that's quite maintainable.

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

Okay, maybe the wording is difficult for me here. Let me try to repeat it in a concrete example: Emu is already an independent style. Thus, I have just to create all the other journals in that group as depending style to that. For example the style for Invertebrate Systematics will end up as a depending style in subfolder and just linking to the Emu style. Correct?

rmzelle commented 9 years ago


rmzelle commented 9 years ago

And is an example where we use one folder in the "utilities" repo for different parent styles.

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

I looked more in the details of their style guides and sample issues of the journals. I would modify my plan here a little: I will do the two large groups, but leave the other journals, groups untouched. The individual styles differs sometime in some small details and would therefore need a seperate style itself (on which I don't want to spend time).

Is it okay if I create the dependent styles without the ruby-generated scripts? I think that is easier for me to do right now.

adam3smith commented 9 years ago

Could you just put together the .tab files? I'm happy to actually run the script and adjust the template as needed. We're trying to generate as much as possible of the dependent styles automatically. Much easier to maintain that way.

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

Sure, I almost have that .tab file togehter. Do you prefer a pull request in the utilities or a shared gist?

adam3smith commented 9 years ago

whatever is easier for you - a PR in utilities (in a separate folder called CSIRO or so) would be most convenient for me, but it's a 3min difference.

rmzelle commented 9 years ago

(that should be "csiro", in lowercase)

zuphilip commented 9 years ago

I created the pull request in the utilities. Let me know if there is anything else I should do.