citation-style-language / styles

Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
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Styles or Copernicus Publications #198

Closed cparnot closed 12 years ago

cparnot commented 12 years ago

This is not an issue per se, but just an entry to provide context for the following commit:

Here is the context of why and how it was done.


Generating CSL files for all the journals published by Copernicus Publications

I contacted Copernicus Publications, and got a confirmation from Nadine Deisel that all their journals use the same reference style. She also provided me with an Excel file with the list of journals, with their titles, ISSNs and eISSNs.

Dear Charles,

thank you very much for your email. As you already assumed we
are using the same reference style for all journals published
by Copernicus Publication. Attached please find the journal list
with ISSN and eIISN information.

If you have any further question please let me know.

Kind regards, 

Nadine Deisel 


These are the files used to generate the styles

Title   eISSN   ISSN    Category1   Category2
Advances in Geosciences (ADGEO) 1680-7359   1680-7340   geology 
Advances in Radio Science (ARS) 1684-9973   1684-9965   physics 
Advances in Science and Research (ASR)  1992-0628   1992-0636   science 
Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO) 1432-0576   0992-7689   geology 
Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions (ASTRA)    1810-6536   1810-6528   astronomy   
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) 1680-7324   1680-7316   chemistry   physics
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (ACPD)    1680-7375   X   chemistry   physics
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)    1867-8548   1867-1381   science 
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (AMTD)   1867-8610   X   science 
Biogeosciences (BG) 1726-4189   1726-4170   biology geology
Biogeosciences Discussions (BGD)    1810-6285   X   biology geology
Climate of the Past (CP)    1814-9332   1814-9324   science 
Climate of the Past Discussions (CPD)   1814-9359   X   science 
Drinking Water Engineering and Science (DWES)   1996-9465   1996-9457   science 
Drinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions (DWESD)  1996-9481   X   science 
Earth System Science Data (ESSD)    1866-3516   1866-3508   science 
Earth System Science Data Discussions (ESSDD)   1866-3591   X   science 
Earth System Dynamics (ESD) 2190-4987   2190-4979   science 
Earth System Dynamics Discussions (ESDD)    2190-4995   X   science 
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI)    2193-0864   2193-0856   geology 
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions (GID)   2193-0872   X   geology 
Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)   1991-9603   1991-959X   geology 
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (GMDD)  1991-962X   X   geology 
History of Geo- and Space Sciences (HGSS)   2190-5029   2190-5010   geology 
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)  1607-7938   1027-5606   geology 
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (HESSD)     1812-2116   X   geology 
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS)    not yet registered      engineering 
Mechanical Sciences (MS)    2191-916X   2191-9151   physics 
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)   1684-9981   1561-8633   geology 
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG) 1607-7946   1023-5809   geology 
Ocean Science (OS)  1812-0792   1812-0784   geology 
Ocean Science Discussions (OSD)     1812-0822   X   geology 
Social Geography (SG)   1729-4312   1729-4274   geography   
Social Geography Discussions (SGD)  1816-1502   x   geography   
Solid Earth (SE)    1869-9529   1869-9510   geology 
Solid Earth Discussions (SED)   1869-9537   X   geology 
Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series (SMSPS)  1868-4564   1868-4556   science 
The Cryosphere (TC) 1994-0424   1994-0416   geology 
The Cryosphere Discussions (TCD)    1994-0440   X   geology 
Web Ecology 1399-1183   2193-3081   science 


Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series (SMSPS)
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="in-text" version="1.0">
  <!-- This style was generated automatically from a script created by Charles Parnot. This was done based on the assumption that all Copernicus Publications journals follow the same reference style. This style should not be modified and made independent: any adjustment would likely have be made to the parent style instead, "copernicus-publications". See also: -->
    <link href="" rel="independent-parent"/>
    <category citation-format="author-date"/>
    <category field="#FIELD1#"/>#OPTIONAL_CATEGORY#    <category field="#FIELD2#"/>
    <issn>#EISSN#</issn>  <!-- Electronic -->#OPTIONAL_ISSN#    <issn>#ISSN#</issn>  <!-- Print -->
    <rights>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License:</rights>


#! /usr/bin/ruby

# for File.makedirs
require 'ftools'

# where are we?
This_script_path = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
puts "running script #{This_script_path}"

# hashes of hashes that will contain all the styles to generate
styles = { }

# template used by all the styles
template_path = "#{This_script_path}/copernicus_style_template.csl"
template =

# styles to skip
skip_list_path = "#{This_script_path}/copernicus_journals_to_skip.txt"
skipped_journals =\n/)

# start with new empty style directory
style_dir_path = "#{This_script_path}/generated_styles"
puts "creating directory at path #{style_dir_path}"
`rm -R '#{style_dir_path}'`
File.makedirs style_dir_path

# load all the info from the tab-delimited info file
journal_info = "#{This_script_path}/"\n/).each do |journal_line|

  # each line has the following fields
  # Journal name    EISSN   ISSN    Category1   Category2
  fields = journal_line.split(/\t/)
  if (fields.length != 4 && fields.length != 5)
    puts "invalid journal line: #{journal_line}"
  title  = fields[0]
  eissn  = fields[1]
  issn   = fields[2]
  categ1 = fields[3]
  categ2 = fields[4]
  categ2 = '' if (fields.length == 4)

  # skip header of the tab delimited file
  next if title == 'Title'

  # skipped journals
  if (skipped_journals.include?(title))
    $stderr.puts "skipping journal: #{title} because it's in the exclusion list"

  # clean-up title: remove abbrevation in parenthesis
  title.gsub!(/ \(.*\)/, '') 

  # clean-up accidental extra spaces
  eissn.gsub!(' ', '')
  issn.gsub!('  ', ' ')
  categ1.gsub!('  ', ' ')
  categ2.gsub!('  ', ' ')

  # identifier is created from the title
  identifier = title.downcase
  identifier.gsub!(',', ' ')
  identifier.gsub!(':', ' ')
  identifier.gsub!("\'", '')
  identifier.gsub!('  ', ' ')
  identifier.gsub!('  ', ' ')
  identifier.gsub!(/^ +/, '')
  identifier.gsub!(/ +$/, '')
  identifier.gsub!(' ', '-')
  identifier.gsub!('--', '-')
  identifier.gsub!('--', '-')
  identifier.gsub!('&', 'and')

  # create style xml
  puts "creating style: #{identifier}"
  style_content = template.gsub('#TITLE#', title.gsub('&', '&amp;'))
  style_content.gsub!('#IDENTIFIER#', identifier)
  style_content.gsub!('#EISSN#', eissn)
  style_content.gsub!('#FIELD1#', categ1)

  if (issn.length == 9)
    style_content.gsub!('#OPTIONAL_ISSN#', "\n")
    style_content.gsub!('#ISSN#', issn)
    style_content.gsub!(/#OPTIONAL_ISSN#.*$/, "")

  if (categ2.length > 1)
    style_content.gsub!("#OPTIONAL_CATEGORY#", "\n")
    style_content.gsub!('#FIELD2#', categ2)
    style_content.gsub!(/#OPTIONAL_CATEGORY#.*$/, "")

  # save file
  style_path = "#{style_dir_path}/#{identifier}.csl", 'w') { |fileio| fileio.write style_content }

rmzelle commented 12 years ago

My validation script crashed and burned, and brought my computer to its knees, apparently because some of the style names end on an hyphen. :P

Case in point (there might be more): hydrology-and-earth-system-sciences-.csl hydrology-and-earth-system-sciences-discussions-.csl

This is because the journal titles end on a space.

cparnot commented 12 years ago

ah, sorry about the computer issue. At least, we also uncover a bug in your validation script :P. Let me have a look.

cparnot commented 12 years ago

I corrected the issue, and also noticed one that had 2 dashes in a row. Hopefully, all good now. I have updated the script in the issue description: extra spaces and dashes are removed from the identifier.

rmzelle commented 12 years ago

It works again (after a reboot :P). One more thing: the citation-format of the dependents is wrong (the parent style is author-date, not numeric).

rmzelle commented 12 years ago

And, while we're at it, the "" link in the XML comment should be updated.

cparnot commented 12 years ago

@rmzelle good catch. I have pushed the changes: