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Update / Improve IEEE Support #5415

Open ocouch opened 3 years ago

ocouch commented 3 years ago

I've just been reviewing IEEE.csl, the IEEE referencing guide, and the Zotero/CSL TypeMap (see #5365 ).

Edit: I see there is some coverage of this in the zotero-bits repository, and some changes have already been implemented in 1.0.2. Maybe the zotero-bits repository is a better location for this issue? Either way, it'd be good to consolidate the efforts into one place with a grand plan.

IEEE support is relatively incomplete at present, and the existing csl could do with an overhaul. However, it's a major style with a lot of dependent styles (220!), so changes will need to be considered carefully, and may require additional csl variables/types. I've analysed the reference guide and extracted a list of "IEEE variables." (First pass so needs refinement).

Process to update

  1. Identify all information required by the IEEE reference guide
  2. Cross reference with the CSL schema to identify any missing variables
  3. Add missing variables to CSL schema
  4. Update proc-js (if required) to handle new types
  5. Update clients (zotero, Mendeley etc.) to provide end user access to the features.

Progress on 1 and 2:

I've matched these up to existing CSL variables as much as possible, and matched up the IEEE types to CSL types as much as possible, as per the giant mess of tables below. A blank cell indicates I thought there was no apparent suitable match.

Note that there are a few oddball IEEE Types, like Handbooks and Online Patents which do not list an author first. There are also a few minor inconsistencies in the guide.

I strongly recommend renaming IEEE.csl and IEEE-with-URL.csl to IEEE-without-URL.csl and IEEE.csl, respectively. The reference guide clearly indicates URLs should always be included when available, unless there is also a DOI for the citation (in which case it's up to the author whether they include either or both).

The point of a reference is to enable a reader to be able to access and verify an author's claims - excluding URLs for content sourced online goes against that fundamental purpose.

Note that the IEEE referencing guide is missing some basic, essential engineering document types: Technical Datasheets, however, I believe this style should simply aim to reproduce the Referencing Guide as faithfully as possible, and leave the addition of other types to dependent styles.

IEEE Variable List

IEEE Variables Example Value Format/Rules
Author L. S. Carmichael, An individual. Up to 6 must be listed, after which use et al. (Italicised).Use commas around Jr., Sr., and III in names
Chapter/Section/Paper Title "Title of chapter in the book," In quotations
Title/Conference Proceedings Title Title of Published Book, In Italic
Edition 10th ed. lower case
Publisher City New York
Publisher State NY Only for US States
Country USA: followed by colon
Publisher McGraw-Hill, Also includes company names
Year 2021
Chapter Num ch. 2
Section Num sec. 3
Page Range pp. 47–160 Dash separated
URL/Available "Available: Available: LEXIS Library: GENFED File: BILLS" Does not end in a full-stop
Editor/Translator P. G. Harper and B. S. Wherret, Eds.
Series Title "(Applied Mathematics Series 55) in Computational Electrodynamics II" Follows Title, two formatting options
Volume Number vol. 4
Conference Name Presented at the Proc. 1996 Robot. Automat. Conf. There's a prescribed list of abbreviations to use. Articles and prepositions (eg. "of the", "on") are omitted from the name
Physical location (City) Dallas
Physical State NY US States only
Physical Location (Country) Japan
Month Jun.
day(s) 12–16
Paper Number Paper 70 CP 637
DOI doi: 10.1145/2333660.2333752.
Medium [Online] Surrounded by brackets
Accessed time/date Accessed: Jun. 19, 2014 short date
Language (in Japanese) Follows the Publisher name
Semester (2014, Winter)
Comment,/case "(Justice Brandeis, dissenting) (U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit)
Patent No
Periodical no. no. 6
Not yet published "to be published submitted for publication
early access" 3 distinct types
Aricle Number Art. No. 061103
Report Number Rep. TR-0200
Version Number
Repository/Location or Archive
Department Dept. Elect. Eng.
University Harvard Univ.
Legislative body
Number of Congress
Website Title

IEEE Variables to CSL Variables

IEEE Variable CSL variable Description
abstract [standard] abstract of the item (e.g. the abstract of a journal article)
Accessed date accessed [date] date the item has been accessed
annote* [standard] reader’s notes about the item content
archive [standard] archive storing the item
Repository/Location or Archive archive_location [standard] storage location within an archive (e.g. a box and folder number)
archive-place* [standard] geographic location of the archive
Author author [name] author
Legislative body authority [standard] issuing or judicial authority (e.g. “USPTO” for a patent, “Fairfax Circuit Court” for a legal case)
call-number [standard] call number (to locate the item in a library)
Chapter Num chapter-number [number] chapter number
citation-label* [standard] label identifying the item in in-text citations of label styles (e.g. “Ferr78”). May be assigned by the CSL processor based on item metadata.
citation-number* [standard] index (starting at 1) of the cited reference in the bibliography (generated by the CSL processor)
collection-editor [name] editor of the collection holding the item (e.g. the series editor for a book)
collection-number [number] number identifying the collection holding the item (e.g. the series number for a book)
Series Title collection-title [standard] title of the collection holding the item (e.g. the series title for a book)
composer [name] composer (e.g. of a musical score)
container* [date] ?
container-author [name] author of the container holding the item (e.g. the book author for a book chapter)
"Title/Conference Proceedings Title Website Title" container-title [standard] title of the container holding the item (e.g. the book title for a book chapter, the journal title for a journal article)
container-title-short [standard] short/abbreviated form of “container-title” (also accessible through the “short” form of the “container-title” variable)
dimensions [standard] physical (e.g. size) or temporal (e.g. running time) dimensions of the item
director [name] director (e.g. of a film)
DOI DOI [standard] Digital Object Identifier (e.g. “10.1128/AEM.02591-07”)
Edition edition [number] (container) edition holding the item (e.g. “3” when citing a chapter in the third edition of a book)
Editor editor [name] editor
editorial-director* [name] managing editor (“Directeur de la Publication” in French)
Conference Name event [standard] name of the related event (e.g. the conference name when citing a conference paper)
event-date* [date] date the related event took place
"City State
Country" event-place [standard] geographic location of the related event (e.g. “Amsterdam, the Netherlands”)
first-reference-note-number* [standard] number of a preceding note containing the first reference to the item. Assigned by the CSL processor. The variable holds no value for non-note-based styles, or when the item hasn’t been cited in any preceding notes.
genre [standard] class, type or genre of the item (e.g. “adventure” for an adventure movie, “PhD dissertation” for a PhD thesis)
illustrator* [name] illustrator (e.g. of a children’s book)
interviewer [name] interviewer (e.g. of an interview)
ISBN [standard] International Standard Book Number
ISSN [standard] International Standard Serial Number
Paper Number issue [number] (container) issue holding the item (e.g. “5” when citing a journal article from journal volume 2, issue 5)
"Month Day
Year" issued [date] date the item was issued/published
jurisdiction* [standard] geographic scope of relevance (e.g. “US” for a US patent)
keyword* [standard] keyword(s) or tag(s) attached to the item
Language language [standard] Language code. Not intended for display purposes.
locator* [standard] a cite-specific pinpointer within the item (e.g. a page number within a book, or a volume in a multi-volume work). Must be accompanied in the input data by a label indicating the locator type (see the Locators term list), which determines which term is rendered by cs:label when the “locator” variable is selected.
Medium medium [standard] medium description (e.g. “CD”, “DVD”, etc.)
Comment,/case note [standard] (short) inline note giving additional item details (e.g. a concise summary or commentary)
number [number] number identifying the item (e.g. a report number)
number-of-pages [number] total number of pages of the cited item
number-of-volumes [number] total number of volumes, usable for citing multi-volume books and such
original-author* [name] ?
original-date* [date] (issue) date of the original version
original-publisher* [standard] original publisher, for items that have been republished by a different publisher
original-publisher-place* [standard] geographic location of the original publisher (e.g. “London, UK”)
original-title* [standard] title of the original version (e.g. “Война и мир”, the untranslated Russian title of “War and Peace”)
Page Range page [standard] range of pages the item (e.g. a journal article) covers in a container (e.g. a journal issue)
page-first* [standard] first page of the range of pages the item (e.g. a journal article) covers in a container (e.g. a journal issue)
PMCID* [standard] PubMed Central reference number
PMID* [standard] PubMed reference number
Publisher publisher [standard] publisher
"Publisher City Publisher StatePublisher Country" publisher-place [standard] geographic location of the publisher
recipient [name] recipient (e.g. of a letter)
references [standard] resources related to the procedural history of a legal case
reviewed-author [name] author of the item reviewed by the current item
reviewed-title* [standard] title of the item reviewed by the current item
scale [standard] scale of e.g. a map
Section Num section [standard] container section holding the item (e.g. “politics” for a newspaper article)
source [standard] from whence the item originates (e.g. a library catalog or database)
Status/Unpublished status [standard] (publication) status of the item (e.g. “forthcoming”)
submitted [date] date the item (e.g. a manuscript) has been submitted for publication
"Chapter/Section/Paper Title Title/Conference Proceedings Title" title [standard] primary title of the item
title-short [standard] short/abbreviated form of “title” (also accessible through the “short” form of the “title” variable)
Translator translator [name] translator
URL/Available URL [standard] Uniform Resource Locator (e.g. “”)
"Patent Number Report Number Periodical Number Article Number Version Number" version [standard] version of the item (e.g. “2.0.9” for a software program)
Volume Number volume [number] (container) volume holding the item (e.g. “2” when citing a chapter from book volume 2)
year-suffix* [standard] disambiguating year suffix in author-date styles (e.g. “a” in “Doe, 1999a”)
University Semester
Number of Congress

IEEE Types to CSL and Zotero Types

Zotero type CSL type IEEE Type
artwork graphic
attachment article
audioRecording song
bill bill Government Documents
blogPost post-weblog
book book Book
bookSection chapter
case legal_case Court Decision
computerProgram book
conferencePaper paper-conference Conferences and Conference Proceedings
dictionaryEntry entry-dictionary
document article
email personal_communication Unpublished
encyclopediaArticle entry-encyclopedia
film motion_picture
forumPost post
hearing bill
instantMessage personal_communication
interview interview
journalArticle article-journal Periodical
letter personal_communication
magazineArticle article-magazine
manuscript manuscript
map map
newspaperArticle article-newspaper
note article
patent patent Patent
podcast song
presentation speech Lecture
radioBroadcast broadcast
report report Report
statute legislation Law/Legislation
thesis thesis Theses and Dissertations
tvBroadcast broadcast
videoRecording motion_picture Online Video
webpage webpage Websites
dataset Datasets
jounathaen commented 6 months ago

One thing I noted from this style is, that the et-al-min is not set for citations ( The referenced style guide states:

Use “et al.” when three or more names are given for a reference cited in the text.

adam3smith commented 6 months ago

The citation for IEEE is a number. et al isn't relevant (the author names can be used in the article text, hence the instructions, but that's not something the CSL would be involved in)

jounathaen commented 6 months ago

Ok, I'm not very familiar with CSL, but I assumed that it also contains information on how to cite the authors correctly (like with LaTeX's \citeauthor). But if that's not the case, please ignore my comment.