citation-style-language / test-suite

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Page ranges with letters #25

Closed jgm closed 4 years ago

jgm commented 4 years ago

The spec doesn't make clear what to do when page ranges have letters, but there are tests like this. Some of the expected results seem wrong to me, though.

E.g. in page_Minimal.txt, the second to last example

n11564 - n1568

turns into


Why? That makes no sense to me. I am inferring that the algorithm is:

Is that the algorithm, and is that really how it should work here? Similar questions apply to some of the weird Chicago cases.

bdarcus commented 4 years ago

I don't have my copy of chicago handy. Anyone else know? Beyond confirming the tests, looks like we need to add something on this to the spec.

@bwiernik @denismaier @fbennett @adam3smith

adam3smith commented 4 years ago

I think the logic makes some sense: At times, page number have a prefix that identifies them as pages, e.g., in a separately published appendix. In those cases, there's no reason to think that standard page number collapsing rules shouldn't apply, i.e. if you're citing A231 to A232, A231-32 (Chicago) or A231-2 (minimal) does seem to make sense and increase readability.

The downside I'm seeing (and I think that may have come up before) is that you may see hyphens in electronic article numbers and then this rule can produce bizarre outcomes. I think by testing for identical prefixes it tries to prevent this.

The Chicago Manual has nothing to say on this or any of the examples in the Chicago weird tests, so no help there ;). However, Citing Medicine, (aka Vancouver) which uses minimal page ranges does have a number of relevant examples and unless I'm misreading something, they confirm the test-suite's behavior:

Siedenburg J, Perry I, Stuben U. Tropical medicine and travel medicine: medical advice for aviation medical examiners concerning flight operations in tropical areas. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005 Mar;76(3 Suppl):A1-30.

Barrett CJ, Malpas SC. Problems, possibilities, and pitfalls in studying the arterial baroreflexes' influence over long-term control of blood pressure. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Apr;288(4):R837-45.

Guo X, Lu X, Kassab GS. Transmural strain distribution in the blood vessel wall. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2005 Feb;288(2):H881-6.

jgm commented 4 years ago

It would be helpful if the test suite could have a field that says whether the test really tests spec behavior or just some additional behavior that citeproc-js implements but isn't part of the spec.

jgm commented 4 years ago

Anyway, thank for explaining the logic. I think it makes sense, and I'm happy to close this!

jgm commented 4 years ago

By the way, the reason I have all these questions is that I'm writing a new Haskell CSL processing library. The legacy code in pandoc-citeproc (inherited from citeproc-hs) is really hairy and I can't understand it well enough to maintain it; in addition, I never really understood CSL, and this is forcing me to learn it. The new library will be faster and more accurate than pandoc-citeproc, and it is parameterized on a document type, so it should be easy to use outside fo the pandoc ecosystem. If quality is high enough I might make it a dependency of pandoc so a filter isn't needed. Just about everything is implemented now except disambiguation and collapsing. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along, and I'll put it in a public repository once it gets a bit closer.

denismaier commented 4 years ago

By the way, the reason I have all these questions is that I'm writing a new Haskell CSL processing library. The legacy code in pandoc-citeproc (inherited from citeproc-hs) is really hairy and I can't understand it well enough to maintain it; in addition, I never really understood CSL, and this is forcing me to learn it. The new library will be faster and more accurate than pandoc-citeproc, and it is parameterized on a document type, so it should be easy to use outside fo the pandoc ecosystem. If quality is high enough I might make it a dependency of pandoc so a filter isn't needed. Just about everything is implemented now except disambiguation and collapsing. I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along, and I'll put it in a public repository once it gets a bit closer.

Wow, very cool. In case there is something a non-haskeller can help with (e.g. testing or so), just give a shout.

bdarcus commented 4 years ago

It would be helpful if the test suite could have a field that says whether the test really tests spec behavior or just some additional behavior that citeproc-js implements but isn't part of the spec.

This is related to #17, so I strongly agree.

Identifying these would also give us a checklist of details that we should add to the spec.

As you work through these, could you perhaps post a list of tests you think might qualify, beyond this one?

Also, do you have in mind what the content of that field should be?

I experimented a bit with just adding this to page_Minimal, and the current python script just ignores it; would of course be easy to extend though.

>>===== VERSION =====>>
<<===== VERSION =====<<

So possible values would be the releases ("1.0", "1.1"), with an optional variant, including maybe "undocumented" (to flag what needs updating in the spec)?

EDIT: the linked PR adds version and tags field parsing to the processor script, and adds the former to all tests in the repo.

bdarcus commented 4 years ago

By the way, the reason I have all these questions is that I'm writing a new Haskell CSL processing library.

Since you're working on this (great!), the activity on the schema repo is aimed towards pushing out two releases this Summer, one of them a 1.1 release (we're also doing a minor release with new strings (types, variables, etc.).

So far 1.1. doesn't have any breaking changes, but it does make explicit, and extends, a feature you already support in pandoc: citet citation config. The new element allows us to fully support styles like APA on this.

jgm commented 4 years ago

As you work through these, could you perhaps post a list of tests you think might qualify, beyond this one?

I'm sorry, I should have been keeping track. Just a couple things I can recall off the top of my head:

fbennett commented 4 years ago

Just about everything is implemented now except disambiguation and collapsing.

HI John. The specifics of the code won't be much use, but the disambiguation control loop of citeproc-js might be worth a quick look, if only for the sequence of operations. Apart from a few minor bugfixes, the code in there hasn't changed in six years of operation.

The specific code in the module re-renders citations for comparison, because the intermediate form of the citation is a bundle of strings with no pointers or links to the original input. If I understood Cormac's notes correctly, the intermediate form in citeproc-rs retains that connection, and so can perform disambiguation more efficiently, without proceeding to final rendering (using methods that I won't pretend to understand).

jgm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the pointer. Disambiguation feels like the biggest hill to climb!