cite-architecture / ohco2

A cross-platform library for working with collections of texts in the OHCO2 model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CitedWorks should be ordered according to the Catalog #70

Closed Eumaeus closed 7 years ago

Eumaeus commented 7 years ago

elements in corpus.citedWorks are currently ordered according to their appearance in the loooong list of citable nodes. Reordering works, say, in a display of Cited Works, is harder than it could be.

(This is a total nit-pick, I know, but it would make things easier for app-builders.)

neelsmith commented 7 years ago

You're confusing components.

Changing this from enhancement to question label.

neelsmith commented 7 years ago

Further note why this may not even be a question; TextRepository enforces a 1<->1 correspondence of works cataloged as online and works cited in the corpus. Therefore you can just use the textrepository's catalog to get them in catalog sequence. In short, if you have a TextRepository (and not just a corpus) i don't see why you would ever need/use the corpus function citedWorks.

I don't think there's an issue here, but I'm not closing until I iunderstand the intention of the question better.

neelsmith commented 7 years ago

Having heard no objections... I'm going to go ahead and close this out. We can reopen it if I'm misunderstood the original question, and these comments don't address the question adequately.