cite-architecture / sparqlcts

A servlet implementing the Canonical Text Services protocol backed by a SPARQL end point.
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Range requests, non-leaf-nodes #10

Closed Eumaeus closed 10 years ago

Eumaeus commented 10 years ago

This is hairy. The current getRangeText() function in CiteGraph.groovy uses sequences. It grabs the first one (with its intro-contining elements), gathers the sequenced leaf-nodes between the first and last (non-inclusive), with no framework, and then adds the last one. This loses the intermediate structure.

I am working on this. Starting with a new overloaded getNextUrn function (see separate issue).

Eumaeus commented 10 years ago

This is fixed in my fork. I will do some more testing before merging, but the addition of a "levelDiff()" function has made everything much more simple.

Eumaeus commented 10 years ago

For now, I am closing this. Testing will reveal if we need to re-open it.