When user presses the Run button, several test cases (N) are generated from Unit. The player solution is run against all the N test cases. Which of them are visualized? All of them? The example test case and the first that fails? I guess the first one (the example test case) and the rest are provided as a list on the title of the scene. Therefore, the student has the chance of choosing the failing test cases.
Design how test cases are shown on unit playing scene. Suggestion: use the tester images: gray (scheduled), green (passed), red (failed). They may be connected by a tube. Current test case may have opacity 1.0, and the rest .75.
[x] Modify botnu specification to have expected standard error output
[x] #155: Generate N test cases from Unit
[x] Reduce Game menu on Unit Playing Scene to have space for test cases
[x] Display Test Cases as a sequence of testers connected by tubes below the game menu
[x] When Run button is pressed (after the linking process and the generation of tests cases) run all test cases in background.
[x] Animate execution of first test case always (the example)
[ ] #158: Create an Input/Output comparator in Messages Area
[x] Keep current test case on grey while it is being animated
[ ] When a test case is clicked, show a popup with its number, state, fail reason, and a button "View"
[x] If user presses the "View" button of another test case, restart the visualization using the selected test case instead
[x] #122: Redirect standard input when setting arguments to inferior
[ ] When all test cases have been passed, mark the unit passed on settings, animate the robot saying "This unit is working again!", and return to the unit selection scene.
When user presses the Run button, several test cases (N) are generated from Unit. The player solution is run against all the N test cases. Which of them are visualized? All of them? The example test case and the first that fails? I guess the first one (the example test case) and the rest are provided as a list on the title of the scene. Therefore, the student has the chance of choosing the failing test cases.
Design how test cases are shown on unit playing scene. Suggestion: use the
images: gray (scheduled), green (passed), red (failed). They may be connected by a tube. Current test case may have opacity 1.0, and the rest .75.See test cases diagram