citiesskylines-csur / CSURLoader

Utility mod to load textures for CSUR roads
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 4 forks source link

[Bug] Loading error & roads not textured #3

Open Monniasza opened 3 years ago

Monniasza commented 3 years ago

Mod list: AutoRepair.log

Error message:

The Mod D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\1959183067 [CSURLoader.dll] has caused an error [ModException]

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, UnityEngine.Material>.get_Item (string) <0x001c5>
at CSURLoader.Utils.GetSharedMaterial (UnityEngine.Material) <0x0012b>
at CSURLoader.Utils.ApplyTextureSingleMode (NetInfo) <0x000b7>
at CSURLoader.Utils.ApplyTexture (NetInfo) <0x00019>
at CSURLoader.CSURLoaderLoading.OnLevelLoaded (ICities.LoadMode) <0x00114>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) LoadingWrapper.DMD<DMD<OnLevelLoaded_Patch2>?-313156352..OnLevelLoaded_Patch2> (LoadingWrapper,SimulationManager/UpdateMode) <0x0008b>

Log: output_log.txt


  1. The road is green up close, but gray far away (CSUR highways are now almost invisible)
  2. An error occurs
  3. Sidewalks are black up close, but light grey far away
  4. Trees, lamps and manhole covers display correctly
  5. Zoning position is correct
  6. One-way roads display correctly (the issue affects only two-way roads)
  7. The zoning position is correct despite NExt 2 being installed
  8. All elevated two-way CSUR roads are black

This issue is posted too on CSUR Community:

pawel-kaleta commented 2 years ago

@Monniasza @victoriacity @pcfantasy @littlegolden

The issue here is that shared assets are located in the CSUR Loader mod folder instead of Assets folder. Not sure how it ended up like that. Maybe a change in how the game itself works, possibly it used to load asset files also from the mods folder before.

So... to fix this just grab all the .crp files from CSUR Loader mod folder and paste them in the assets folder. Preferably in a nice subfolder like "Assets/csur_loader_assets". However, be aware that this is most likely gonna brake the auto update functionality provided by the workshop subscription. If something ever stops working again with the mod (or you get a perfo fall) it will be best to unsubscribe all the mods and assets related to CSUR project, delete manually all the related files and then re-subscribe.

An official solution would probably be making a new workshop item with all those assets and making an update to Loader mod removing them and displaying some info to user about this new item as a required dependency.