citizenme / PhoneGap-app

PhoneGap-app code
Apache License 2.0
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Consider use of TypeScript for PhoneGap development #1

Open jensenmo opened 10 years ago

jensenmo commented 10 years ago

Others have considered it:

Provides typing and therefore should be easier to debug and enable better quality code.

ObelixSoftware commented 10 years ago

Marius and I don't have skills on TypeScript... I have looked at it, listen to all the Microsoft shows on Channel9, the videos when they released it etc etc so do know what its about and the advantages it give but haven't actively learned it (learning a new programming language) and used in a application before. I have used CoffeeScript with PhoneGap before but wouldn't suggest it.

So as part of the POC we don't have the time to learn a new programming language AND complete the POC... So lets code this POC in plain JavaScript and i look at using TypeScript for the actually cross platform application as part of decision on what technology we will use.

I will do research on advantages,disadvantages etc to using TypeScript in this application design.