citizenme / PhoneGap-app

PhoneGap-app code
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

PoC scope #3

Open jensenmo opened 10 years ago

jensenmo commented 10 years ago

Please find the wire frames attached of the current app. The screens/UI interface we would like to implement as part of a PoC (reusable prototype) are 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 and the icon that can be clicked on so that overlay of 2.3 pops up (to judge the overlay windows). For this PoC please feel free to use static data (see below for obtaining static data using OAuth2 access token). On the 2.0/2.1/2.2 screens we need up to 30 services on the mirror - the reason is that we want to judge the performance at the more extreme range of the amount of services users may select.

We will also need the 1.0 and 1.1 screens for selecting/deselecting services - but if it's easier for the PoC, feel free to just provide a (de-)selectable list.

Furthermore, for a full release of the app please bear in mind the following non-functional requirements and processes:

  1. We need to be able to reuse as much code and perhaps CSS styling etc. as possible - the same code will be needed for future web browser plugin and web app(s) - so there has to be a separation of
  2. The app must be bundled with data and icons to the point that app store download from Apple, Google etc. can function without further downloads or interaction with static content servers/backend
  3. All libraries used should have open source licenses - we will not be in a position to use proprietary APIs (other than PhoneGap itself - which in turn is based on Apache Cordova) because of 4)
  4. The code will eventually and most assets will ultimately be open sourced
  5. We are using GitHub and GitHub issues for code and for tracking issues and milestones - we'd like you to
  6. We have 20 min. meetings twice a week - Monday for planning the week (priorities, what we can achieve etc) and Friday for status of where we are at from the past week's work - both at 14:00 your time
  7. We do 2-weekly iterations of the app (for app store) - we use Testflight and generally have 1-2 releases on testflight over a 2-week period for quicker turnaround on testing/validation

Jamie (CC'ed), our designer, can provide the assets/artifacts for the build.

I can issue you an OAuth 2 client_credentials pair for PhoneGap (id and secret), which you can then use access the backend services.

The only services currently being used are:

The profile preferences (semi static settings/constants) provide you with a heap of URLs and settings for the existing app. I can include the data for the iOS app later. Icons and other static content is stored on S3 and fronted by CloudFront for caching purposes.

We'll be building out the other backend services in the app as part of the user registration and "sync" piece, which is currently being worked on by our iOS developer. I have included the backend services wiki documentation. Please be advised that the "Example of ToS service in action" is somewhat outdated and is there only for illustration purposes.