citizenos / citizenos-api

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Machine Learning and AI integrations #260

Open ilmartyrk opened 1 year ago

ilmartyrk commented 1 year ago

We wish to enhance our platform discussions using machine learning and AI capabilities. We have a topic for some ideas and possible use cases here . There are tasks that can possibly help users to get better overview of discussions and make the overall quality of discussions better. Following features will be listed bellow .

Adding extra filtering and grouping options for arguments.

Using OpenAI or similar API integration(s) to get supporting information/arguments to a topic

Use search algorithms to find matching data from already existing discussions. Eg. find similar or matching discussions or arguments

Add search mechanism to find external data points in the purpose of fact checking

anettlinno commented 1 year ago

Group and summarize similar arguments.

As a User, I want to be able to separate arguments so that:

  1. Most similar arguments would be grouped together, so that I could have an overview about how many and which arguments overlap with each other. Very often people talk about the same things using different words (synonyms) or bring in new evidence, which does not affect the initial argument or thought. I would like to get all similar arguments in nicely visualized way in a cloud or bubble, so that I would have an opportunity to read all (let´s say 32) similar arguments, if I want to read them separately.

  2. I could see, how many different arguments there actually are. It might be that among 150 arguments we only have different 11 pro and 15 con arguments, which actually differ from each other. It would be nice, if our system could summarize me grouped similar arguments. Let´s say that we have 42 similar arguments in a group (cloud or bubble) and our system would make me logical and easily understandable one argument out of 42 arguments. These machine-modified (summarized arguments) could be presented to me similarly like (which is open source btw) is doing it:

anettlinno commented 1 year ago

Getting AI arguments to a topic.

As a User, I would benefit a lot if I would have an opportunity to get pro and con arguments to the topic from AI. As AI search engines have access to enormous amount of information in small time, it would save us, humans, a lot of time to come up with all of those arguments. AI arguments should be well distinguished from human arguments and come up in separate window or tab etc. AI arguments should also be limited to 5-10 pro and 5-10 con arguments, otherwise it might get overwhelming.