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IDEATION: Ideation topic turning into a discussion topic mid create flow #1320

Open BeccaMelhuish opened 1 week ago

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 week ago

@ilmartyrk I wasn't fully paying attention to what I was doing as I was trying to very quickly make an ideation topic that I would then add a discussion phase to, to check a fix, and at some point during the create flow (before publishing) the ideation topic seemed to turn itself into a discussion one, but then give me an error as below.

I believe it was after trying to click publish this happened, but as above - was going very quickly and on 'auto-pilot'..

I definitely hadn't published and then gone in to 'edit' as this screen would suggest (saying edit topic at the top).


BeccaMelhuish commented 1 week ago

Next I clicked 'Interrupt process' to try starting again, and got published view, all looking OK as it should:


BeccaMelhuish commented 1 week ago

@ilmartyrk Happened again for me in another topic, was making an ideation topic, published, sent an invite via the pop-up, next view was this (edit discussion topic):


ilmartyrk commented 1 week ago

@BeccaMelhuish posted a fix

BeccaMelhuish commented 6 days ago

@ilmartyrk this one happened in a test today, will try to add more details soon, but just a heads up for now that it's not fixed :)