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IDEATION: When clicking on an idea in closed ideation, takes me to voting tab #1329

Open BeccaMelhuish opened 1 week ago

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 week ago

Can't open the idea, just get redirected to the voting tab. Only seems to happen for one particular idea. Other ideas I can open fine. Was an idea that wasn't chosen to be included in the voting, may be connected?

ilmartyrk commented 1 week ago

@BeccaMelhuish please add more context, is it a public or a private topic, were you logged in or logged out, if member then with what permissions

BeccaMelhuish commented 6 days ago

I'm relatively sure it was a public topic for which I was admin and I was logged in, and the idea was one that wasn't 'chosen' to be included in the vote. (Potentially was one that had been reported, was a fake spam one). But I'm struggling to track it down right now..

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 day ago

@ilmartyrk a similar thing has happened, so I can give more details:

In this public topic, for which I am admin.

When clicking 'View anyway' on an idea in a closed idea gathering that's been deleted, instead of viewing the idea, I get taken to the 'Action' (Follow-up) tab: image