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MISC: Notifications settings bugs on mobile #1333

Open BeccaMelhuish opened 1 week ago

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 week ago

@ilmartyrk @ssin1901 in a user test, android mobile on Chrome:

  1. I think the error appeared just before, but either way she wasn't able to click this settings cog:


  1. This error also appeared while she was trying to get into the settings, I think just after she had clicked the bit I marked in yellow:


She then tried the cog (shown above) again, and successfully got in to the settings.

  1. But after having edited them, and then clicking 'Save', it didn't look as if it had saved:


She went back in, and saw it was actually saved:


She came out again, still not showing as saved.

She then tried refreshing and it did show as saved.