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HC query: Groups notifications settings #289

Open BeccaMelhuish opened 1 year ago

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 year ago

@ilmartyrk I noticed there's notifications for groups in the Figma, which I think we don't have currently - only for topics?

Wondering if this will be included in phase 1 or only in phase 2?



@kevincrepin Am also wondering how managing groups notifications interacts with managing topic ones. I see the notification settings tab is very topic focused at the moment - should groups also be in there? And what trumps what if we do have both - if someone has set their group notifications as one thing but then sets a topic within that to something else - would it be the most recently adjusted thing that sticks, presumably? :)


kevincrepin commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, not sure where group notifications went (either in my head or irl :D).

Would need to define what activity you could be notified about (new members joining, leaving, etc) and then it would be either another tab or integrated into this one, grouping topics under groups within the list.

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 year ago

@ilmartyrk @anettlinno I imagine developing this would be a "Phase 2" thing?

anettlinno commented 1 year ago

Yes @BeccaMelhuish and @kevincrepin, definitely Phase II thing. I added Phase II label to the issue :)