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TASK: Replace project/block from #335

Closed ssin1901 closed 1 year ago

ssin1901 commented 1 year ago

What needs to be done? Replace Civic Hackathon image and text

Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 11 48 31

With new image and text

Image (left): @BeccaMelhuish

Structure (right) Heading: Democracy Defenders Accelerator Body: An online and offline 10-month programme where participants learn to design and deliver civic engagement projects, as well as practice participatory leadership.
Button: “Learn More” ->


Any additional files or info needed? @BeccaMelhuish image on the left?

Deadline 27 October

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 year ago

Thank you @ssin1901!

@oksks I've put the image in the folder: and an alternative version if you'd prefer to text. (I guessed at the dimensions, but let me know if they need to be different).

I'd suggest we put the DDA at the top of the page, at least for now, so move Summer and Winter Schools down to where Civic Hackathon is now :)

And for the text, I'd suggest a slight adjustment for this bit:

Body: Our flagship 10-month civic leadership programme for young activists. In this hybrid, hands-on programme, participants learn to design and deliver civic engagement projects and practise participatory leadership skills.

ssin1901 commented 1 year ago

@BeccaMelhuish @oksks let us go with the body copy suggested by Becca! And yes – let us also add the DDA on top as Becca suggested.

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 year ago

@oksks, wondering if you saw this one, so tagging you again just in case not :) (Not that it's urgent though)

oksks commented 1 year ago

Done! Sorry for the delay. Please check and confirm that's what you've wanted - the image looks a bit bleek, wdyt, maybe let's do a more contrast-ey version? Unfortunately, can't swap the last block's photo with the text so it would make sense in the alignment, it's built this way. :/

BeccaMelhuish commented 1 year ago

@oksks super, thank you!! I think let's keep the image as it is (looks OK to me and good to be consistent with the colour), but is it possible to remove a bit of this white space between the first two projects:?


Re the alignment at the end, we can add the Youth Exchange project in between the two last ones, with the same layout as the Winter and Summer Schools one, so that it is alternating :) I will send some content for that soon!

oksks commented 1 year ago

@BeccaMelhuish I've just checked - there's standard space between chunks in the code, so there's nothing I could remove, unfortunately. Awesome re: the Youth Exchange project - please create a new ticket when the content's ready :) Thanks!