citizenos / ep_image_upload

Add images to etherpad and upload them to Amazon S3
9 stars 16 forks source link

Create hu.json #16

Closed ovari closed 3 years ago

ovari commented 3 years ago

@ilmartyrk will ep_image_upload be part of the Centralized translation repo for plugins?

Thank you

ilmartyrk commented 3 years ago

@ovari I'll need to take a deeper look at it before I can confirm. For our project we have developed a solution based on crowdin. I created a plugin that enables to sync translations from git repo. All translations are in All translation keys for our plugins and etherpad are added to source.json. This is synced with crowdin as crowdin supports github integrations. Now all strings can be translated and reviewed and after they are confirmed crowdin creates a pull request into github reposistory. If pull is merged into master it is pulled into etherpad instance by ep_translations plugin. IF this Centralized repo is a better alternative for our case we will for sure use it, but we'll have to take a deeper look for how it influences our current work flow etc.

ovari commented 3 years ago

For our project we have developed a solution based on crowdin

In the file at, can you please add a link to your Crowdin page for this plugin?

Thank you

ovari commented 3 years ago

IF this Centralized repo is a better alternative for our case we will for sure use it, but we'll have to take a deeper look for how it influences our current work flow etc.

Can you comment at as this can help with the development?

ilmartyrk commented 3 years ago

@ovari there is no separate project in Crowdin for this plugin, but we have a project that includes all translation keys from our etherpad instane, project sits here

ovari commented 3 years ago

Can please be added to the

ovari commented 3 years ago

Can you please add hu (Hungarian - magyar) to

ilmartyrk commented 3 years ago

I will not add this Crowdin project link to at least for now, but I've added Hungarian to Crowdin project

ovari commented 3 years ago

I've added Hungarian to Crowdin project

Thanks. The strings are at 0%. Can you please upload the strings in this GitHub repository to Crowdin please?