citizenos / ep_image_upload

Add images to etherpad and upload them to Amazon S3
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local storage in docker #41

Closed TheDarkTron closed 3 years ago

TheDarkTron commented 3 years ago

Is is possible to use the local storage within a docker container?

I would like to use the plugin with my docker etherpad. I created a volume /var/www/images where i want to store my images. But the container runs in a docker network. I use the php EtherpadLiteClient The plugin makes a POST to /p/g.Ovnjr54VGyJC271h$0/pluginfw/ep_image_upload/upload which is ending in a 404 because the route does not exist, because the container does not exposes this routes throu the docker network.

Do I have to add a proxy to /p/g.Ovnjr54VGyJC271h$0/pluginfw/ep_image_upload/upload to my php server, with talks to the docker container?

TheDarkTron commented 3 years ago

Actually you can use local storage in docker. Just make shure to add a volume to your docker build. E.g. /var/www/local and mount it to a location in your host where you want to store the images e.g. -v /var/lib/app/etherpad/images:/var/www/local The 404 resulted from a wrong nginx configuration I had.