citizenos / ep_image_upload

Add images to etherpad and upload them to Amazon S3
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fixed display of error popup #50

Closed TheDarkTron closed 2 years ago

TheDarkTron commented 2 years ago

Loading of ep_image_upload/static/css/ep_image_upload.css with style.ejs created a 404 on non root path hostings. So I changed the loading to the client hook aceEditorCSS.

The popups did not toggle with .show() and .hide() etherpad provides the css-class popup-show which toggles the visibility of popups.

The popup had a transparent background, so I added a popup-content div

ilmartyrk commented 2 years ago

@TheDarkTron thanks for the fix. Still probably needs some style update for errors to look like errors. But this will probably be separate task anyway,