citizenos / ep_image_upload

Add images to etherpad and upload them to Amazon S3
9 stars 16 forks source link

TypeError: clientVars.ep_image_upload is undefined #67

Open dburr opened 3 months ago

dburr commented 3 months ago

etherpad 1.9.7, node 21.7.1

Attempting to install this plugin on an Etherpad lite 1.9.7 instance, however I am getting the error message TypeError: clientVars.ep_image_upload is undefined whenever I try uploading an image.

I DO have the following in my settings.json:

  "ep_image_upload": {
        "fileTypes": ["jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "gif", "png"],
        "maxFileSize": 5000000

And on the terminal where I am running the etherpad server I see:

[2024-03-13T12:59:16.456] [WARN] client - TypeError: clientVars.ep_image_upload
is undefined -- {
  errorId: 'eAJC4Fkkelumyyls0tm1',
  type: 'Uncaught exception',
  msg: 'TypeError: clientVars.ep_image_upload is undefined',
  url: '',
  source: ' line 1 > Function',
  linenumber: 3,
  userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0',
  stack: '_isValid@ line 1 > Function:3:303\n' +
    '(module ep_image_upload/static/js/toolbar.js)/exports.postToolbarInit/</<@ line 1 > Function:3:1429\n' +
    'dispatch@\n' +
    '(module ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/vendors/jquery.js)/</add/v.handle@http:/

Yes, I have checked to make sure everything is spelled correctly, that I am NOT using smart quotes, etc.

I don't have any problems with any other plugins that store their settings in settings.json Not sure what the problem is, I can't think of anything else that could be at fault.

elmatusov commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem: etherpad 1.9.7, node 21.7.1, image_upload 1.0.105

I just installed Etherpad 2.0.1 -- there is the same problem.

manosKas commented 2 months ago
