citrusframework / citrus

Framework for automated integration tests with focus on messaging integration
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Citrus Framework: Spring vs Spring Boot / spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secrets Usage #1180

Open pablopaul opened 5 days ago

pablopaul commented 5 days ago

Citrus Version 4.1.0

Question 1) My understanding is that Citrus Framework uses Spring, but not Spring Boot. Is that correct?

I want to use spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secrets to securely store and retrieve a test secret. With the mentioned package it should be possible that a value in the file get replaced automagically with the according secret in a Azure key vault.

2) Do you think this package should work with a Citrus Framework project or is it not expected to work since it needs a Spring Boot application?

3) Would it be sensible and would you suggest to convert a Citrus Framework Spring project into a Citrus Framework Spring Boot project or is this non sense?

What I've tried so far

I have tried to integrate "spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secrets" as described in the official docs under "Use Spring Key Vault PropertySource". The value in the does not get replaced as expected.

Thank you!