Expected behavior
Given an openapi endpoint
And the response of the endpoint has the required fields: "category", "name", "status"
And the response of the endpoint has the optional fields: "id", "photoUrls", "tags"
When a valid request is executed
And the following json body is returned:
"category": {},
"name": "",
"status": "sold"
Then the test should pass green
Actual behavior
The Test always fails with Number of entries is not equal in element: '$', expected '[photoUrls, name, id, category, tags, status]' but was '[name, category, status]'
Test case sample
public class OpenApiClientIT extends TestNGCitrusSpringSupport {
private final int port = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort(8080);
private final HttpServer httpServer = new HttpServerBuilder()
private final HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClientBuilder()
private final OpenApiSpecification petstoreSpec = OpenApiSpecification.from(
public void BUG_should_only_validate_the_presence_of_required_properties() {
variable("petId", "1001");
// TODO BUG this should be valid, according to the spec-file
"category": {},
"name": "",
"status": "sold"
.receive("getPetById", HttpStatus.OK)
Citrus Version 4.2.1
Expected behavior Given an openapi endpoint And the response of the endpoint has the required fields: "category", "name", "status" And the response of the endpoint has the optional fields: "id", "photoUrls", "tags"
When a valid request is executed And the following json body is returned: { "category": {}, "name": "", "status": "sold" }
Then the test should pass green
Actual behavior The Test always fails with
Number of entries is not equal in element: '$', expected '[photoUrls, name, id, category, tags, status]' but was '[name, category, status]'
Test case sample